Scarborough Fair-- Songfic

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"Puck?" Sabrina asked, taking a deep breath. "So, listen... I kind of think... I kind of think I like you. As more than a friend. And I get that you don't like me back and that's OK, but I just thought you deserved to know 'cause friends don't keep secrets from each other. Just... just tell me you don't like me and promise not to get all awkward around me, 'cause this doesn't have to change anything. I was just tired of keeping it from you."

Puck stared at Sabrina for a full five minutes, then said, "You... you mean like as a friend, right? That kind of like?"

Sabrina gave him a look. "Would I give you a whole speech about how we're friends? If you don't like me back, you can just say it, you don't have to go all weird on me."

Puck took a deep breath of his own, then said, "Grimm, I figured you already knew I liked you. I mean, I grew up for you. I just kind of figured that, y'know, you got over me. 'Cause I knew you liked me once."

"Yeah," Sabrina said, remembering the apple incident. "Well, I didn't. And here we've both spent the past five years thinking the other one didn't feel the same way."

"Kind of stupid, huh?" Puck asked, smiling wryly.

Sabrina grinned back at him. "Yeah. Really stupid. Like you."

Puck rolled his eyes. "Says the idiot. You would be dead if it wasn't for my brains. Admit it."

"Your brains?" Sabrina asked. "I seem to remember it being my plans that got us out of most of those situations. Not yours. thank you much."

"Right." Puck raised his eyebrows.

The two fell silent, though, and Sabrina said suddenly, "So... now what?"

"Now what what?" Puck asked.

"Well, we both know we like each other now," Sabrina said. "So what happens now? Are we, like, together, and do we tell our families, or keep it a secret, or what?"

"Do you want to be together?" Puck asked.

"Kind of," Sabrina said. "Do you?"

"I've never done it before," Puck said with a shrug. "We may as well try it. But I won't be all mushy and touchy-feely," he warned her.

"I wouldn't expect you to." Sabrina rolled her eyes. "So do we tell the families?"

"They're going to find out anyway, you know," Puck pointed out.

"True," Sabrina said. "Daphne's going to have a field day with this, you know that, right?"

"Yup." Puck made a face. "Let's get it over with, shall we?"

Are you goin' to Scarborough Fair?

The Grimms had taken it fairly well, all things considered. Henry has been a bit upset, unsurprisingly, and Daphne had proclaimed that she knew it all along, but neither reaction was surprising, and everyone else had simply been happy for them. But now Sabrina and Puck were off to New York City, to tell Titania, and Sabrina was scared stiff.

"Relax," Puck told her, swinging the vorpal blade casually as they walked through central park. "It'll be fine."

"Are you sure there's not some ancient law we're breaking?" Sabrina asked. "I bet there's an ancient law."

"I think I'd know if there was an ancient law, Grimm," Puck said dryly. "I am a fairy after all. A fairy king, at that. I should know about our laws."

"Sure," Sabrina said, pulling open the door to the Golden Egg. "But I won't calm down until we've told your mom we're together and she doesn't have a problem with it."

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