Coming to Grips

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Daphne has a ritual for after her breakups. She puts on a romantic and mournful black lacy sundress (one of her favorites), and then she teleports herself to the ocean after dark. There, she walks for a while, getting the hem of her skirt wet and sandy if it's warm enough, and thinks. Once she's done, she feels a lot better, and she's ready to face the world again. Maybe even see her ex, or date someone new, depending.

Something about the wind blowing across the water, the sand on her bare feet, still a little warm from the sun, the salty spray messing up her hair and running over her toes, the waves crashing back and forth, and the smell of a finished day, combines to make Daphne calm, and it works wonders.

She always does it. And today, right after Sabrina's fiasco of an attempted wedding, Daphne's here because she's realized that she has a crush on Pinocchio. And she can't date Lawrence if she has a thing for someone else. So she broke up with him. It's only fair.

Still, she liked Lawrence.

She stands in the surf, watching a boat work across the water, reminiscing.

She's not overly surprised when she sees another figure in a long white dress walking towards her.

"You didn't change?" is all she says when the short blonde stops next to her. "You'll ruin the dress." She doesn't ask why Sabrina's here, or how she got there from two states away, or even how Sabrina knew to find her. None of that's important right now.

"Yeah, well, it's not like I need it anymore," Sabrina answers ruefully.

Judging by her sister's voice, Daphne decides that Sabrina's mostly okay again. She's not about to start bawling, or raging about stupid men, or running away. She's not happy, but she's back in control of herself.

Still, she's here, and Daphne knows enough about Sabrina to know that they came for the same reason.

So she grabs her sister's hand, and together they stare into the night, letting the water play across their feet. Neither of them are okay now. But they will be. Eventually.

Sisters Grimm OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora