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(Alex is seen in front of his gigantic mirror dressing up. He puts on a red tie to suit his dress. He later leaves his room and sees Mary and Sandra in the parlor talking to each other as they prepare periwinkle. He looks at them and ignores what they are doing.)


(To Alex.) Alex, where to?


Mother, I'm going to the mechanic workshop to get my vehicle. I gave him the vehicle since and they are just finishing the maintenance today.


Hurry up, don't stay away for a very long time, you know the situation of this country, kidnapping is now a major vice happening in our society, please I'm begging you come home early so I can have peace. I know one day all this will stop when you finally get married. (Sandra begins to smile.)


Why are you opening your dirty teeth? I will never get married to you, so stop smiling please. Wait, do you think we are on the same level, not at all, the only thing you know is to come here and gist with my mother about God knows what. And you expect me to get married to you, you must be a joker.


Enough of the insults! You can go to where you were going, before you started speaking rubbish about your future wife.


Stop it mother she can never be my wife, never! (He leaves the house angrily and leaves the compound. He sees a tricycle which he boards.) Sir, please take me to Martins workshop at Ada road.


Fifty naira.


Alright. (He enters the tricycle which lands him at Martins workshop. He pays the cyclist fifty naira and goes into the workshop. One of the mechanic working there runs towards him.)


Sir, you have come to take the car? We have finished the maintenance of your car.


Where is your boss Martins?


Let me go and call him. He is attending to a man who lives next door to him. (He leaves Alex and calls his boss.)


Good day Martins.


Sir Alex, we have repaired the vehicle.


So what was the major problem?


The radiator was faulty so we had to fix it. I and my boys went up and down in order to fix it.


I know you want to call a huge amount of money, so how much is the fee?


Fifteen thousand naira.


I have to go for a meeting now unless I would have discussed the fee with you. Get me my car let me see.


Friday! Friday!


(While sitting under a tree.) Yes boss.


Get Mr. Alex's car now.


Alright boss.

(Few seconds later Friday drives the car to the place where Martins and Alex are standing and discussing.)


I can see you've fixed the car, let me be on my way.


Thank you sir, we are indeed grateful for your support.

(Alex enters the car and leaves the workshop. He is driving on a major road suddenly the brakes of his car fail.)


What is happening? (He tries to control the vehicle by pressing all the pedals but none seems to be functioning.) What is happening to this car? (He begins to press the horn to alert everyone that there is a problem with his car.)What is happening to the brake? (He gets to a bushy environment and falls into the ditch. People begin to run to the area of the scene and the car is seen burning. Few hours later some fire fighters come with an ambulance and try to stop the fire. They succeed and bring out his body. They immediately take him to the hospital with the ambulance.)

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