Thomgelica~ Competitive

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Disclaimer- I own nothing
Modern AU

"Ha, my wind-up duck beat yours again." Angelica smirked.

"Yeah, but I always beat you in the trampoline contest." Thomas retorted.

"That's because you're taller." She shot back.

"Whatever, let's play Mario kart again."

"I'm going to destroy you."

"You wish, little angel."

"I'm a devil."

They both pulled out their controllers and waited for their game to load.

"I want to be player one." Angelica said.

"But we're in my house." Thomas whined. Angelica rolled her eyes.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" She asked. Rock, paper, scissors was their way of solving an argument or how to choose something.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" They both yelled. Thomas had a rock and Angelica had paper.

"Ha, I won." She bragged. Thomas sighed, but let her be player one.

Two hours later

Thomas and Angelica had officially played for two hours, with Angelica in the lead.

"I'm winning, I'm clearly better than you." She smirked.

"Yeah, you won by 1.5 seconds." Thomas scoffed.

Knock knock knock

Angelica paused the game and got up to answered the door.


"Hi, are you guys playing Mario kart?" He asked excitedly.

"Uh yes." Angelica responded.

"Great, Eliza and I want to join, we're going to destroy you and Thomas." Alex and Eliza walked in and took out their own controllers. The four adults *children* played competitive Mario kart together. Two against two.

Thomas and Angelica are competitive against each other, but when they are on a team against anyone else, they are nearly unstoppable.

Thirteen hours later

Eliza had officially fell asleep on Alex, who was snoring loudly.

"They fell asleep at our house." Thomas noted.

"It's fine darling, we should sleep too, it's 3:00 AM." Angelica responded. She yawned at leaned against Thomas. He carried (A/N It's call bride-style or something) her to their room. He put her down gently and then curled up next to her.

Yay all done!!! Hope you enjoyed.



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