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3rd Pov

At the FairyTail guildhall most members are running all over the place even the legendary Grim Reaper.

Natsu: Alright time to get to work!

Lucy: If you're going on a job take me with you!

Natsu: No can do it's solo season!

Natsu keeps running until she bumps into gray and knocks each other down.

Gray: Hey watch it!!

Natsu: You watch it!

Happy: Do you two really have time to be arguing?!

Both: You're right!!

Natsu leaves whole Gray runs and gives Mira a job and then takes off.

Lucy: Why is everyone so worked up?

Mira: You'll see soon.

Y/n comes up to the bar and hands Mira two job papers. Lucy looks at them and sees that he has to decade quests.

Lucy: Thats twenty years Y/n!! Why so long?!

Y/n: Can't talk right now! I have work to do! Let's go E/n!

E/n: Right!

They both leave and run out the guildhall with Lucy looking worried.

Mira: He'll be fine Lucy. He's be back by tomorrow most likely. Everything will make sense then.

Other guild members soon come running up with jobs and leaving while also fighting. Some guild members are relaxing and having fun.

Lucy: It really is a weird day today.


Everyone besides Y/n is in the guild waiting for an announcement the master has to make. Natsu is looking around trying to find Y/n since she knows how he is about today. The curtains on the stage open and Makarov, Erza, Gildarts, and Mira are standing there.

Makarov: I'm accordance with the guild's time tradition. I will now announce I will now announce the wizards for the S-class promotion trial.

Everyone cheered before they hear the doors get slammed open and they all look to see Y/n standing there breathing heavily.

Y/n: Did he say the names yet?!

Natsu: You're just in time. He just started!

Lucy: That wasn't twenty years what happened?!

Y/n: Monster extermination missions which means I didn't have to hold back on them. It's better that way.

Erza: Now everyone let the master continue!

Gildarts: Let the master finish talking!

Makarov: The trial this year will take place on Tenrou island. Our guild's sacred ground.

Y/n: Oh yeah! I'm ready for it!

Makarov: I had a very selective choice and only eight were chosen! Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Locksar, Elfman, Cana Alberona, Freed Justine, Levy Mcgarden, and Mest Gryder!

Y/n: Dang it!! It's not fair!

Y/n get shown and hits the ground while having a black and deadly aura from around him.

Natsu: It's okay buddy. Master will get you next time!

E/n: You'll still be my partner. I don't care if you're and S-class wizard or not.

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