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Darkness that's all I can see....all that I can feel around me. It's a cold feeling, but at the same time it's a feeling that's nice; a feeling that I can stay in forever and forget everything. I never want to leave not even if it means never going back to Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail......what is that? A place? A building? The name seems so familiar, but so distant. Whatever it is it must not matter much if I can't remember. Yeah...Fairy Tail....doesn't matter. This darkness; this warmth. It's all that I need to be happy to be in control. Nothing else matters. Not the animals, not the plants, not the many people living in this world. The darkness is what I need. The darkness will keep me strong. The darkness is death. The darkness is ME!!

Y/n: Ah!!! What....the? Where the hell am I?

???: I'm glad to see you're alright. Anything hurting, partner?

Turning my head I see a girl with black hair and and shining red eyes laying on a couch beside me.

Y/n: Who are you?

???: You must've hit your head pretty hard. Well, I'm your partner obviously and my name...well I like to go by Toxin, however you call me Shade.

Y/n: Shade, you mind telling me what happened?

Shade: You were knocked unconscious when we got ambushed. Lucky for us I'm not that easy to take down. Then again you aren't either, you were just unlucky.

Y/n: Shade, where exactly are we right now.

Shade: We're with our master Zeref. He wants us to stay by his side until you're fit to take another mission.

Y/n:'ll help me get back in fighting shape...right?

Shade: Yeah partner, so just you wait until we get back out their and kick butt.

Shades gets up and leaves, but not before she looks at me and gives me a thumbs up. Walking out the door shades disappears with no other word said.

Shade POV

Zeref: So, how is he?

Shade: He's perfectly fine Master Zeref. He doesn't remember anything and his memories of the Fairy Tail guild seems to be gone.

Zeref: No, not gone but suppressed. His memories will only be gone as they're replaced over time. Make sure he's taking those pills at night. I need to replace them slowly but surely.

Shade: Of course.  I'll make sure to help as much as I can besides that death dragon slayer magic just makes him so irresistible. So much power, all of it in one man.

Zeref: Do you want him? If so I can easily make it so those memories are placed in as well. Memories of many wanted moments between the two of you and more.

Shade: Please do Lord Zeref!!

I quickly start to put a finger and my mouth and bite down lightly. A powerful man that can be all mine and not only that he's a death dragon slayer!! He'll get stronger and stronger the more he kills and I'll be able to have him all for myself. I can see it now, both of our bodies connected as he thrusts inside me making me all weak and just wanting more!! It's a dream that Lord Zeref can help make come true.

Zeref: Calm down. You can express your true feelings when his memories are changed. You can be however you feel after.

Shades: O-of course. I just had so many thoughts running through my head that I just couldn't control myself anymore. I promise you though....I'll do everything I can to accomplish my task.

Zeref: Of course, I trust that you will.

A/n: So an update....I know I haven't been doing that lately, but I don't know if I'll be able to find many chances to write as I used to. I'll try to find time, but as of right now I'm mostly working on stuff for colleges in my near future. I hope you all understand and I'm very sorry for not updating.

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