S-class Trials....Begin!!

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3rd Pov

It's been two days since Y/n started training Natsu and Gray. E/n has become used to her weapon and is with Y/n right now on Tenrou Island while the Fairy Tail ship is heading towards the island.

Natsu: This isn't right!! I'm a fire dragon slayer I shouldn't be feeling this way.

Gray: Oh poor you you're not the only one suffering.

Natsu is complain while throwing up on the side of the boat. Everyone else is also complaining about the heat while Evergreen is just watching them and fanning herself.

Lucy leans her head back while sitting down and sees the island that they'll be on.

Wendy: I can feel the magic power from over here!

Makarov: There's a legend about this place that it was once populated with fairies.

Lucy: Is the legend true?

Makarov: No one knows but it is of great importance to our guild. It is the resting place of our first master Mavis Vermillion.

Gray: You're going there dressed like that?!

Makarov: At least I'm dressed stylishly. You're just a naked girl.

Lucy: Thats a good point, you mind putting some clothes on Gray?

Makarov: Now I'll reveal the first round of your trial.

Wendy: There's more than one round?

Mest: If any of the master's events were ever redeemed simple he'd probably kneel over.

Makarov: Please direct your attention to the smoke coming from ashore. Once there you will choose one of the eight routes leading into the island. Each route is meant for a single team only so choose wisely. After you made your choice you'll have to conquer these obstacles.

A map of the first trail appears besides Makarov and it shows the different trails and what they could lead to. The one part standing out the most to everyone is how Y/n and E/n are shown but not having a path.

Makarov: Teams that make it through these tests in one peace will make it to the second round.

The map shows intense combat routes that have one of the S-class wizards waiting for them, a combat route where two teams fight and a serenity route that is calm but still challenging.

Makarov: To pass these challenges you need a whole lot of teamwork and lots of luck!

Everyone: How do you test that?!

Natsu: Alright now how about that question on everyone's minds?! Why is Y/n and E/n shown but they don't have a path to where you can fight them?!

Gray: Thats a good point.

Makarov: Well you see its simple. I had to make some last minutes changes with Y/n becoming S-class. He wanted it to be how it was originally planned as long as he was included, so I made it so that no matter what path you choose there's a chance that you can run into him and his exceed!! HE'S ROAMING THE WHOLE ISLAND!! SO YOU BETTER BE CAREFUL!!

Lucy: You mean one of the deadliest wizards in the guild can fight one of us if he feels like it?!

Makarov: That's right. It's something I came up with myself he just wanted to participate.

Elfman: That's cruel Gramps!! One of us might die out there!

Makarov: You won't die. I told Y/n to make sure he holds back so he doesn't kill any of you. Alright! You ready?! Your trial starts right now!

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