413 13 1

21st of March.


Nobody's talking to me. And you might know the reason why. I'm an anti-social human being.

I mean, they do talk to me but only in a short time.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I looked and saw Shindong's name.

"Hey oppa."

[Hey! How are you doing?]

"I'm good so far. How about you?"

[I'm good too. Don't worry. Anyways, Siwon told me something that I dont believe at all.]

"What is it?"

[Are you ignoring them? Not that it's an issue with me but it's an issue for them.]

Well, let me tell you. I am ignoring them right after I met with Siwon again for another photo shoot. I'm just scared of their reputation.

And I've been talking to them and I feel like I should stop talking to them.

I'm developing feelings for someone.

[Hello? Solji? Are you still there?]

I sighed.

"Yeah oppa. I'm here. But..."

[But what?]

"I... I am ignoring them. I just don't think it's right anymore."

[What do you mean? Let me tell you this. They care about you. You're their first friend that actually never cared about your status whenever they are around.]

"But oppa..."

[Solji. Stop ignoring them. If there is a valid reason for you to do that, then tell me.]

I can't.

I dont know what to say.


Hi again!

I just want to make a little announcement about the story....

Yeah... It might be longer than my usual stories...

And I dont know yet how I'll end this story...


Anyways, enjoy the rest of the story.

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