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"Finally Mira! You're awake! Thank goodness!" A lady hugged me tightly as I stood up properly.

I squinted my eyes to adjust my eyes from the brightness from the windows.

It's morning, I guess.

"Are you okay? You seem really pale. I should call the doctor. Stay here, okay? I'll be right back and explain it to you later." She showed me a reassuring smile and left the room.

I looked around my surroundings while I'm still sitting on a bed, with wires connected to me.

Am I okay?

She came back with a doctor and checked my vital signs.

"Thank goodness you're already awake, Mira. I'm happy to say that you look totally fine. Everything has healed but you have to stay here for a few days to have a few tests to confirm." I nodded.

"Welcome back." He smiled and I did too.

But my smile turned into a frown when the doctor left.

"I was thinking already that you won't wake up already. It's been 10 months already!" A tear escaped from her eyes.

But I just sat still, not making any movements. I felt... new.

"Do you wanna know what happened?" I looked up and locked gazes.

I nodded and swallowed up.

"Oh yeah. You should eat and drink. You must be hungry. You havent eaten." She nervously chuckled.

"Theo..." I call her while she was preparing some to eat.


"What happened really?" She stopped and sighed as she walks to ward's me to lay down a tray of food.

"I dont know if this is right to say though after you have only woken up." She scratched her nape.

"It's okay. I'll handle it." I tried muttering out the words.

"Alright. If you insist." She sat down beside me on the bed and started.


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