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● 10 months ago ●

"Mira! How many times do I have to tell you to at least look enthusiastic when you work. And why are you always sleepy?! What do you even do after work that it makes you lack of sleep?!"

Mira's boss is nagging again.

Mira has been a bit weird these days. She normally goes to work early, sleep  early, make projects properly, and even has time to make art.

But all of a sudden, her life turned upside down, and she doesn't know the reason why. She feels tired, fatigued, stressed, and maybe even depressed.

None of her family nor her friends were there to help her.

She just had her work to remove her from home.

But now, she's also been doing bad around her working area and she doesn't know why she was feeling this way.

"I'm sorry." Mira bowed and her boss just scoffed.

"Look Mira, this will be my last warning. If you can't do anything right this time, you're off." She bowed once again and said sorry.

"Alright, I'll give you a day off today but remember, one more strike and you're out." She bows repeatedly and walks out of the office and sighed.

"You seem to still have guts to show your face here."

A voice made her stop her pace and turned around to see Jooyeon.

"Look, I have no energy. Just leave me alone. I dont want to talk to a liar." As Mira was about to walk away, another voice made her shocked and stopped her.

"Jooyeon-ah!" A guy then suddenly hugged Jooyeon and she slyly showed a smile to her.

Mira stepped back and tapped her temples slowly.

Her head is hurting. Is this really happening? What is going on?

"I missed you Jonghoon!" They loosened their hug and turned around to face Mira.


"Best friend!" Jooyeon came running towards her and the guy followed.

Mira stepped once backward and a step closer to the main gate of the building.

"By the way, I want you to meet my boyfriend. But promise me not to tell anyone, okay?" Mira just nodded and stood frozen again.

He suddenly held out his hand and introduced himself.

"I'm Jonghoon but I'm mostly known as Yesung." She looked at the hand cautiously but took it to shake anyways.

"Of course she knows you. She's a big fan of Super Junior."

"Really? That's nice to hear." His smile is as blinding as she remember.

She saw that smile before.

She heard that voice before.

And she definitely remember already.

Jooyeon then suddenly leaned towards her ear and whispered.

"I told you. You'll never know when your dream will end." She silently laughed and stepped out.

Mira started getting weak. Tears were threatening to fall. And for the last  time, she saw worried faces.

She ran and ran and ran....

And a faint light hit her eyes and saw a figure running towards her.

"I... my dream..."

One More Chance | Super JuniorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ