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IM SO SORRY! I know I haven't updated in a while. Im sorry. I have a good reason though! Im on Tournament and League softball teams! Ok, Tournament is almost every night and the tournaments last all day all weekend and during the week are practices. Plus, I have regular homework and cramming for final tests. I swear Im trying my hardest to update as soon as possible. I know this my more popular story so Im pausing two of my other stories to continue this one.

Honestly, I really thought this book sucked. I was depending wether I should start it over and re write everything, but I didn't think you guys would like that. I hope this chapter won't suck.

Thank you for reading!


Don't own FT

Dedicated to: SerenadeThis


Natsu Pov

My tears of sadness were gone and anger welled up in me. It must have been something Jude had done or was doing that made Lucy like this. Someone doesn't just change like she did. Maybe if I search some more. I started snooping around her room. My eyes were pulled to a large book case she had. She had several, but something about this one stood out. One book stood out. It was a old blue book with pen written on the front. "My Life" was the title. I pulled the small book off the shelf and opened it carefully.

My Life 

I had a nice life once. My father smiled and I would play with my mother. We spent many hours in her garden just playing and talking. I didn't only play with my loving mother though. I had  best friend. He was a unique boy. He was carefree, childish, brave, and always smiling. The only thing I never could understand was his pink hair. It kind of matched his personality though. So odd that you couldn't help but love it. He was my best and only friend, so it hurt badly when he left.

Our fathers had forced us apart. I cried for hours and hours. The only thing that could stop my tears was the soothing voice of my mother as she held me. As she held me she would tell me the story of the Key Holder. It was my favorite story she always told me. Afterward, she told me she would always be there for  me and she would never leave my side. I was childish and dumb enough to believe her.

A few years later, I was a young teen, during the summer she... Well, she passed on. It was very sudden and unexpected. My father told me she got very sick and the doctors couldn't do anything. He blamed it on the keys.

I said the Key Holder was a story, right. Actually, its more of a legend. Long ago magic filled the land. Towns were filled with magic shops and wizards that were part of guilds. Even though everyone was happy and the world was joyful there were always shadows near by. A evil wizard named Zeref was out to consume the world in darkness. His magic was so strong and evil that no one could stop him. He grew stronger and stronger, until he faced Mavis.

Mavis was a pure soul. She had the strength of light and love. Her light and love canceled out his darkness and evil. He, however, wouldn't fall so easily. The battle between them was long and hard. It continued to the point where Mavis had to make the ultimate sacrifice. She gave up her life to seal his away, but in order to protect the world from more evil magic she locked away all magic. Her spell was so strong that no evil or good could break it. Years passed and magic was forgotten.

Mavis, no matter how strong she was, couldn't conceal all the magic forever. She had left behind some in the hopes that it would help her. She left behind the 12 zodiac keys for a celestial wizard. It was one of my ancestors that had held the keys in the age of Mavis. He had vowed to protect the seal and never let the keys fall into a shadow. His vow stayed strong until the day he died. He passed the keys down to his granddaughter and she continued to pass it down. A name had been given to the person who held the keys. They were called the Key Holder.

My mother, whom had died, was the former Key Holder. Like I said before, Magic was later forgotten. The Key Holder was also forgotten though out the world. The name is now recognized as a folk tale.

My mother had told my father she was the Key Holder and about the tradition of passing the keys down. I don't think my mother expected him to react the way he did. He was discussed in her.  He never let her leave the house and took her keys from her.

She always smiled, but I could still hear her cry when she was alone. My father, I think, is the reason she died. She died of sadness. He took a huge chunk of her life from her. An yet he was able to look me in the eye and tell me it was the keys  fault for her death.

The day before her funeral I searched and searched until I found them. The keys. The shiny gold was cold on my hands, but I still felt a rush when I held them. Its like they were meant to be with me. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of bringing them to the funeral. I hide them well the whole time. Until the end when I thought I was alone. I took them out and swore over my mothers grave to carry the tradition out. Little did I know my father was behind me. He cursed at me and tried to take them out of my hands. I bite him, hard. He slapped me across the face and warned me to get ride of them or I would die just like my mother did. I knew that was a lie, but I told him they were gone.

I had told them they were gone several weeks after her funeral. It was after she died and when he knew I had the keys is when the beatings started. I couldn't take it anymore so I told them I threw them into the river. The beating lessened and soon stopped, but his torture didn't. He changed into more of a mental beating. He was smart and knew if he kept beating me people would find out, but he could freely torturer me mentally and emotionally.

After my mother died, my fathers business changed. He changed into a gambling, gang like company. People feared us. No one liked to come around. It was all part of his way to torture me. He knew no one would ever love his daughter. Sadly, all I could do was go with it. I couldn't give my father the pleasure of knowing he had control over me and was easily crushing me. Being stone cold was my only way to stop him. I let him think I cracked and was now just like him. Cold, selfish, emotionless, they were the three things I had to obey to make my father think I had changed. The only thing in my mind that keeps me going was Mavis. I must protect the keys. My suffering is nothing compared to hers. After all, She had to kill the man she loved.

Did I forget to mention that? Yes, Mavis loved Zeref, but he was consumed with darkness that his love for her was lost. My love, however, belong to only two things. And as long as my love for them is strong I will do what I can to protect them. I will continue to protect my keys, for they are one of the two things I continue to love, but... I have fail at doing so with my other love. Currently, I am paying the price. Who knew that one of my loves could be the fall of my other. I was so concentrated on protect the keys that I betrayed my long lost love when it returned. But I'm paying for it now. The love I lost wont ever know I cared for it so much, that is the price I pay, but the suffering that comes with it is having to see that love every day, but what is even worse is having them fear me. That is where I failed to protect them. The fear I give them makes them suffer, but there is nothing I can do. That is my fault.

My name rings fear throughout people when it is heard.

My name will never be known as the Key Holder.

My name...

Yes, My name is Lucy.

Lucy Heartfilia.

I am the Key Holder.

I was destined to be it once I was born. My life of suffering is what I must live to protect the keys, to protect the spell, to protect Mavis.


I was speechless as I read the book. The pink haired boy was me and the former Key Holder was Layla. This was the truth behind Lucy... She suffered everyday this badly... How could she bare to live like this...

"So you've read it," I spun around to meet the brown eyes of a tall figure.


Now you know the truth! are you guys happy? I hope so.

Love you all





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