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"You are something of a miracle, you know?" M/n whispered, gently stroking Angius' head. He got a small bark in reply, making the man chuckle. "I think I'll go for a nightly walk today. Maybe we'll find your pack tonight."

The vulptex's ears perked up at the last thought, chirping excitedly. M/n smiled, swirling what he had left of his alcohol in a bottle. He remembered how he had found Angius after the large group of 'rebels' had left. Angius had been curled up near the entrance of the large cavern, probably to deep in sleep to notice his pack had left him.

"You know, we're almost the same," M/n thoughtfully murmured, pausing his antics and merely resting his hand on Angius' head. "Both left behind, both alone. Probably both losers."

Angius let out a whine, pushing his head upward in an attempt to comfort the tall male. "Maybe we should get on with that walk, eh?"

Soon enough the two of them were outside again, standing in the blowing cold. But it was peaceful, how everything flowed so seamlessly together. M/n followed his small companion around, enjoying the chaotic peace of the walk.

"Wait-, Angius, stop," M/n hissed, squatting down low and reaching out for the crystal furred creature. He squinted, staring at the odd red light coming from a mile ahead. "I think it's one of those men from below, you know, with all 'em weapons?"

Angius softly chirped in agreement, pushing himself against M/n. The red light was constantly moving, swinging.

"You reckon it's one of 'em sun sticks?" Angius nipped his hand. "What? They not sun sticks? What else would it be? Flashy sword?"

Angius rolled his eyes, licking M/n hand before bounding toward the light. M/n felt panic begin to build up in his stomach. "Angius? Angius get back here!" He hissed, staying low to the ground as he moved as fast as he could without standing up. The vulptex paid no mind as it continued forward, the crystals on its body beginning to softly glow.

The wind definitely did not help this situation, as it kept blowing the fox-like thing around. The now flying salt didn't help either. When M/n heard a yelp though, he immediately ran towards where the glowing was, a growl building up in his throat.

"You hurt that vulptex and I snap your neck," M/n hollered, now close enough to see an outline of the figure. The red light stopped moving, before disappearing. "I don't care if yer got friends in power, don't touch m' friend!"

"I'm not sure you could even hurt me if you tried," The voice was off, distorted and scratchy. M/n frowned, surely nothing was wrong with this person, but if they touched that vulptex they are dead already. Angius scampered back into sight, tail between his legs and its glowing eyes wide and fearful. M/n was quick to check Angius over, and sure enough, no scratches.

"I wouldn't bet on that friend. Say, what are you doing out here?"

"I'd say the same for you."

"I live here dumbass."

The man chose not to respond. M/n snickered, picking up his 'dog' and walking close enough to get a more clear image. The man had a mask on their face, silver paint creating an outline. M/n furrowed his eyebrows, had he seen this man somewhere before? Well, at least M/n thinks its a man, women don't have that big of a foot. Unless women do...

"Did ya get into a fight or somethin' with yer friends?" M/n asked, tentatively taking a step forward. The person lets out a hiss, the sound slightly muffled by the wind.

"There aren't my friends. Just my subordinates," They growled, also taking a step closer. M/n had to admit, this one was kind of scary, but like an angry scary. M/n proceeded to click his tongue.

"Want to have this conversation somewhere else? It's hard to hear ya!"


M/n shrugged, putting Angius down and standing right in front of the masked man. "Would you take the mask off?"


"Sheesh, hard customer," M/n grumbled, rubbing his hands together. "Got a name?"

"Kylo Ren."

"Are you lost, Ren?"


"Come on you big baby," M/n chuckles, grabbing his wrist. Kylo then quickly slapped his hand away, backing up. M/n frowned, turning back around.

"Don't touch me."

"Ouch," M/n grumbled, picking up Angius who cooed softly. "Let's just head home bud, he dun want our help." The pair started walking away when they heard Kylo call out to them again.

"It's not 'yer' it's 'your', and it's not 'dun' it's 'don't'!" There was a slight ping of anger in his voice. M/n smirked.

"How about you shut yer trap and dun worry 'bout me. W' all need some shut-eye," M/n yelled back, purposely fucking up his words. He snickered when he heard a frustrated growl, walking faster to avoid re-confrontation.

Angius chirped, running alongside M/n as they headed back to their little cave. "Eheh, he's fucked, ain't he?"

"'Have to hope'? Don't look at me like that Angius."

"I said no, Angius."


"What do you mean to have hope? He's gonna freeze."

"Ugh, fine. Have a biscuit."

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