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M/n stood on his little perch overlooking the valley, Angius curled up beside him. The vulptex had been growing lazier and lazier by the day, to the point of where M/n was getting concerned.

"Angius, is somethin' happenin' that I need to know?" M/n whispered, picking his companion up and placing him on his lap, stroking its fur. M/n didn't exactly know the lifespan of a vulptex, but he hoped Angius' end wasn't anytime near. "Come on bud, answer me. I know you're in there."

The vulptex let out a half-hearted coo as it refused to move, lying still. M/n frowned and ran a hand through the thick crystal-like fur, trying to sooth Angius. "We'll find your people and my people soon," M/n murmured, assuming it had something to do with abandonment.

M/n looked down at the valley again, eying the strange men and women. He was sure he didn't belong with them. They didn't act the same as he did. The sun was setting, the hours had passed by fast. He closed his eyes, letting out a huff of air.

"Who am I Angius, what am I?" He whispered, clutching the fur under his hands. As usual, M/n didn't get an answer. "What do I really mean to this life?"

He frowned, his mind was empty. It was all grey and blurred, nothing was clear. Nothing except the recent circumstances was clear in his mind. Who had he been before his abandonment? Did he have any family? It was all murky, faint objects and sounds, nothing was known. M/n's grip tightened on the vulptex's fur, who let out a half-hearted yip. Desperation gripped his heart as he tried to search his mind for his past. Who was he?

When he felt a sharp bite on his hand his eyes flew open and he yelped. Angius had his ears pinned back and curled himself up to lick his wounds. M/n sucked in a sharp breath, staring down at his friend. He looked down at his hand, unfurling his fist. A small patch of crystalline fur was in disgruntled pufts on his palm, while the fur of Angius had a small bald patch.

"Oh dear, Angius, I-" M/n cut himself off. It was useless, always apologizing for accidentally hurting his only companion. Angius looked up at him with heartbroken and soulless eyes, reaching over and licking to bite on M/n's hand. "Let's just go home Angius, we both need some downtime."

It was nightfall before M/n spoke again, hand wrapped in cloth bandage and Angius' side wrapped in the same material as well. His heart swelled with pain just looking at Angius, all wrapped up and hurt. In reality, he knew there was no wound, but he thought it was crucial to shield the skin from the harsh cold outside. M/n barked, a demanding but soft sound. Angius chirped in response, head rising from his position on his pillow. It was the only pillow, but M/n thought that his companion's comfort was more superior to his own.

"I'll be back, I think it's about time I go to wait for the stranger," M/n whispered, grabbing his things and leaving. He left the door open, Angius would be fine. The winds were calmer today than previous days, no snow moving, just calm quiet peace.

It was a revelation.

M/n stared at the open space, the dual sets of footsteps in front of him trailing off into the darkness. He didn't need to ever leave, did he? This place was enough, he needed nothing more. But the food was running low, and the noise below most likely scared off the animals. The red light came into view again, swinging as it got closer and closer.

"Ren?" M/n called out, twirling his staff in circles as he waited.

"Yeah, it's me," He responded, coming closer and standing in the shallow light of the moon. M/n smiled, looking down at him. Except for that darn mask was still in the way.

"Where to tonight?" M/n quipped, moving so he stood beside the sabre-wielding male. Ren didn't say anything, only shifted in place. The red light that had been at his side disappeared. "I'll take you somewhere, a place we can stay for as long as we want."

"As long as it's away from here, I'm fine."

The two walked, discussing topics and recent news that M/n had been blissfully unaware of. Ren looks at his nameless companion, smiling at him from under his mask. It was like teaching a baby, a less difficult one, of course. At some point, M/n stopped walking, waiting for Ren to do the same.

"Turn it off please, you sound better with it off. If I can't see your real face, at least let me hear your real voice," M/n murmured, his own voice dropping low. Ren complied with his wishes, pressing his fingers to the side of his head. He was flushing, softly though, Ren didn't get compliments often.

M/n then smiled at him, brushing his fingers against Ren's gloved hand, asking silent permission. Ren moved his hand away, refusing to look at M/n, who smiled regardless.

"Come on, let's go inside."

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