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"I've seen him somewhere, haven't I Angius?" M/n quipped, placing his hands on his hips as he stared down at the scene below. Angius didn't reply, only continued rolling in the thin snow. "He's got that feel. Like something trying to- OH! Look Angius, I found him!"

Angius, once more, didn't move from his position. M/n swiftly snatched the vulptex and leapt down from their perch onto the small ledge. Angius whined, rolling out of his arms and watching his friend do his thing. M/n excitedly closed his eyes, picturing the scene in front of them. M/n loved doing this, even though he only did it while he was hunting. He could hear and feel everything the men and women down there could, and it excited him.

"What do you mean you didn't get a name? How do we know he's not a rebel spy? He could know that you found their location for fucking sake!"  

M/n frowned, how could something over a call be so loud?

"Apologizes, Supreme Leader, I will find him. What should I do with him when I get him?"

M/n shivered. It was the same voice from last night, but less scratchy. Who were they talking about?

"Bring him in for interrogation. I believe in you, Kylo. Do not fail me."

M/n paused, opening eyes and taking a deep breath. Angius look up at him, tail flicking and head cocked. "Are they coming for me?" 

Angius barked, standing and rubbing against him. M/n sighed, stroking his companion as he sat and stared.

Soon enough it was nightfall, and no one had come for M/n. He was slightly relieved though, they weren't going to separate him and Angius. But he was also worried, what other males were here without him knowing?

He rose from his perch, carrying his pet in his arms as he made his way to his makeshift home. It was silent, the gusting winds nowhere to be found as the snow set itself back on top of the red salt crystals. M/n hissed, pushing Angius inside and pushing a rock in front of the whole to stop him from coming out when he saw the red light again. Swinging. Just like the night before.

"Is that you again?" M/n called out. This wouldn't have been the first time his eyes fooled him.

"Yes. I found you," He replied, walking towards the small entrance. M/n shifted his fur coat, rearranging the weight.

"Do you need me for anything?" M/n asked. He was being curious, yes, but he figured Kylo wouldn't be too suspicious.

"No. I just needed an escape from the camp," Kylo came closer, only a few feet away from M/n.

"So you come here? To a man, you met last night on a whim? And a man who threatened to snap your neck?"


M/n sighed, wringing a hand through his hair. In all honesty, Kylo wasn't exactly planning the nicest things, but he hoped M/n wouldn't notice. M/n stared at the masked man in front of him, contemplating if this was going to be worth it or not.

"Let's go for a walk then. Bring your sun stick too, if you have it on you," M/n soon abruptly decided, pushing the rock aside and grabbing his staff, then put the rock back so Angius stayed put.

Kylo was silent as he followed, hands twitching as they constantly went on and off the handle of his sabre.

"It's called a lightsabre. Not a sun stick," He stated because correcting this stranger felt good right now. M/n merely laughed, continuing on his way. The two walked for what felt like the longest while, going who knows where who knows when.

"Oh hey, its the sun," M/n blatantly pointed out, gesturing to the now rising ball of fire. The stood on a high cliff, right above where the large abandoned cavern was. Reds and oranges began to paint the sky as it rose, the darkened purple retreating. Kylo didn't say anything, merely stared at M/n from where he stood. There was something so strikingly familiar about him, but Kylo couldn't place a finger on it.

"Are you just going to stare at me all day, masked man?" M/n huffed. Kylo blinked from beneath his mask, turning away from the trance he had been in. M/n watched as Kylo then stumbled forward, then slipped, then teetered at the edge of the cliff. "You alright?"

That was a pretty stupid question to ask, considering Kylo then fell off the cliff. M/n walked to the edge, watching with an amused expression as he fell. At this rate, the fool was going to hit the door in no time.

Guess he's dead.

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