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M/n laid Ren down on his coat once more, once they were beside a small freshwater pond. The tall man grunted in pain softly when he was moved, his face flaring from the heat of sickness.

M/n sighed, gently resting the back of his hand on Ren's forehead, nearly whipping his hand back when it felt like his hand had been burned.

"Holy shit, Ren, you're getting worse," M/n hissed, pouring the rest of his alcohol over Ren's now puffy arm. The injured male nearly screamed when the burning liquid made contact with the tender skin. It felt like living hell in his body.

M/n filled both of his flasks with freshwater, holding one over Ren's mouth and using the other to clean the wound on his arm. The wound had gotten to the point of where it would start to leak pus and his arm was losing circulation.

"Hey, Ren, can you hear me?" M/n whispered, brushing the sweat-soaked hair from his face. Ren groaned softly, trying to agree but his throat was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. "I'm going to manually clean the wound then try to disinfect it with the 'force' thing, okay? It's going to hurt a lot, but I have to do it or you might lose this arm."

M/n shook said arm around a little bit, earning another groan. He sighed, proceeding to clear the wound of excess liquids(i.e. pus, excess blood, ex.). It was disgusting but he powered through it anyway. Ren didn't seem to like it either. His eyes were misted over and he was speaking to the air in harsh and commanding tones that his voice was ready for yet. He was nearing the border of having his voice permanently damaged.

M/n closed his eyes and focused on the wound, imagining the virus/sickness flowing out and the skin closing somewhat clearly behind it. While he had succeeded, he fainted from exhaustion.


Ren woke up without pain, only the feel of dirt and dry blood caking his skin among other things. He sat up with relief. No nausea.

Yet he found M/n knocked out on the floor, blood trickling out of his nose. He swung his legs off the rock, spotting the pond. He filled the two flasks he could find with water before dragging M/n into the water. Well, at least the top half.

He stripped the unconscious male of his tattered t-shirt and admired him for a few seconds. Beautiful s/c skin and semi-short h/c hair*. Ren gently stroked the male's face before dunking the head under, watching him struggle but not wake up. Huh.

He watched the dirt and blood run off his own body before running his hands through M/n's hair to get what he could out of the bird's nest of hair. Ren gently rubbed the dirt off of M/n neck, watching him shiver and flinch whenever his hand made contact with his throat.

Ren frowned. He recognised him from somewhere but didn't know why. The short laugh M/n had reminded him of a time where he felt careless, but he couldn't pinpoint when. He stopped cleaning M/n and partially picked him up, placing him on the fur before going back in the water to 'clean' himself.

M/n woke up around the time Ren had finished pacing and his hair had dried naturally, and Ren had taken a nap. His eyes were crusty from what he presumed was crying, and his hair was sort-of damp, like a towel that was left in the wash after 45 minutes it had been finished being cleaned. 

Ren was still sleeping as M/n had cleaned himself off and changed into his not really dry clothes. He didn't bother waking up Ren because he needed the rest. He would just wait until Ren woke up again.


Luckily, Ren had woken up in a few hours. M/n was walking beside him quietly, trying to ignore the fact that they both were shirtless and walking like drunkards.

"How are you feeling?" M/n whispered, trying to break the barrier that had formed. Normally, saving someone's life might have brought you closer, but M/n guessed not.

"Like a ragdoll. I'm so tired and I feel like I could crumple in on myself any second now," Ren grumbled. He paused, biting his lip. Ren just realised he had lost his helmet.

"Ren, come on. The tunnel dust might be getting to you, we should hurry. We're close, I can feel it."

Ren shook his head, staring at the tunnel now behind him. "We left my helmet behind."

"Was it important? I didn't realize," M/n asked, his voice mocking concern. Ren grumbled in discomfort, not wanting M/n to see the scar that down his cheek.

The rest of the walk was silent. Soon enough they entered a large open cave, with their entrance being the only exit, besides the large hole in one of the walls. It was dark outside and the stars were shining. 

"How long have we been in here?" Ren questioned, leaning on M/n for support as he felt the first wave of hunger hit him. M/n shrugged. 

"I'm guessing five days at most. You hungry?" M/n quipped as he waved for Ren to follow him to a hole in the ground near the large window. It was much colder over here and only made Ren more aware that he was shirtless. He wasn't too sure about M/n.

M/n passed Ren an MRE, grabbing one for himself as he lit a fire a bit deeper in the cave. "Hope you don't mind MREs, they're all I got down here."

"No, no. It's fine," Ren mumbled, captivated by the scenery around him. He understood now how M/n had said it was a place where anyone could escape. They both ate quickly, scarfing down the food. The fire was warm but was beginning to dwindle. The night had only begun.

"Let's get some clothes, yeah? I found a few spares and stashed them down here."

M/n led him to a higher part of the cavern, where a small nook was alongside some clothes.

"Find some that fit and get some sleep, I'll show you around tomorrow."

There wasn't much space for the two of them to sleep in the same area, so they either had to sleep really close together or one had to sleep on the floor. M/n had opted for the floor, knowing that Ren most likely wouldn't want the contact.

"Goodnight Ren."

"Goodnight L/n."

'God.' M/n thought briskly as his mind began to go dark. Just the way Ren had said his name was enough to get him to shiver. 'I won't survive much longer with him.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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