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Although it was silent, M/n could hear the intense pounding in his ears. Each mangled breath that came out of his mouth, each ruffle and shuffle Ren made when he would adjust his sitting position.

He closed his eyes, using his 'force' to create a mental map of the caverns. "Ren, do you want to go now? I think I'm ready."

"Sure," Ren grunted, his half lidded eyes clouded as he followed the shape of M/n. "Where are we even going?"

"A place far away from here. A place where you can sit for hours without realizing it. A sanctuary," M/n chimed, his voice far away and slightly faded as Ren began to teeter. "This is what you wanted right? Somewhere far from home."

"Ren? Ren!" M/n's face was blurred and dizzy as he got close to Ren, grabbing his mask and trying to get him to focus.

"Yeah.... yea-..." Ren mumbled, his sentence trailing off as he collapsed and falling into M/n's arms.

M/n hurriedly scanned him for injuries, glaring at the wound that had nearly doubled since they entered the cave. With a grunt, M/n swooped up Ren, carrying him bridal style as he quickly made decisions as to where to put Ren down.

"Guess you weren't ready," M/n sassily grumbled, making his way down the hallway as he struggled to find a place clear of salt.

Instead, he was met with salt, salt, and more salt. He frowned, placing Ren down as he stripped himself of his odd fur coat, and placed it on the ground.

There was a small indent in the wall, big enough for Ren to lie down in and for M/n to sit outside of it, incase any... predators came along.

M/n proceeded to rip strips of his shirt off and stare at them non-contently. The cloth wasn't exactly clean, but it was what they had at the moment. He gently sat Ren up, preparing to use the medical skills he knew as he removed the helmet. The shirt wasn't coming off without the helmet.

M/n sucked in a sharp breath, staring at the face underneath the mask with wonder. Semi-curled locks of dark hair framed this man's face, a long jagged scar going from his right eye to his lower cheek, somewhat like his own. Ren did have a strong face structure, which only added to the growing appeal.

Seeing the face alone sent jolts into his chest and head, like radioactive pulses. M/n shook himself out of his daze, placing the mask down and unzipping the over shirt, and sliding it off the sweating male.

"Oh ho ho, I'm going to regret this," M/n mumbled to himself and pulling a thin pocket knife from his pocket and cutting the sleeve off of the under shirt, and placing it beside him.
His nose scrunched up at the sight of the wound.

While he adored vulptexes, they weren't exactly the cleanest thing and kind of gross. M/n assumed that Ren had done something stupid that ended up causing the wound to expand, which was also infected due to the amount of chemicals and particles in the air of the caverns.

M/n did what he could to help him, using the scarce knowledge he had picked up from the books left behind in the big 'base'. He stood up, quickly scoping the area before folding the cape around the unconscious male. M/n would have to find one of the freshwater ponds deeper in the system to cool Ren's growing fever.

He set off, letting his gut guide him through the tunnels.


Ren woke up covered in sweat. His body felt like it was on fire and when he tried to sit up he  hit his forehead on the overhead. Ren shrugged off the fur blanket and gently slid out of the small nook.

He groaned, rubbing his forehead and almost immediately feeling the need to throw up once he sat up straight.

"M-M/n?" Ren called out whilst panicking. He could feel the bile rising in his throat. He rolled over, crawling as far as he could from the nook before retching, coughing and beginning to pitifully cry as the acid burned his throat.

Ren took in a few heavy breaths, coughing harshly. He only now realized that he was bare-chested with vomit on his chest and hand. It was disgusting.

Then came another coughing fit, ugly, croaking sounds. It hurt like hell and Ren was scared he was going to cough up his lungs. His body felt numb and he couldn't recognize what was in front of him.

What was his name?
What was he doing here?
Who was he?

He felt dead, like driftwood floating in the sea. Helpless.

"Ren? Oh my lord Ren you fuckin' idiot!" Ren could only groan in reply. A blurred face appeared in front of his eyes, but he didn't know who it was. There was a name to that face. A name he didn't know.

A sharp pain bolted through his skull and caused in to whine, feeling as if his insides were turning into a smoothie.

As soon as the pain had come it had gone, a cool, numbing feel healing the burning sensations on his skin.

"Gah, augh," He mumbled, blinking rapidly to try and refocus. M/n sat in front of him, pressing a wet piece of shirt to his forehead.

"I'm healing your wounds, hold on. If your lucky I won't have to amputate it," M/n whispered, bringing his mouth down near Ren's ear so he could hear clearly.  Ren shivered, feeling each exhale on his skin.

"Y-you can heal people?" Ren whispered, his voice hoarse form coughing. M/n shrugged, pulling a small canister from his pocket.

"To some extent. The worse the wound, the more exhausted I get. Here, drink," M/n gently poured the water into Ren's mouth. It felt like ice on his throat and it soothes the pains in his lungs. He was still thirsty when the bottle was empty and the pain had returned.

Wordlessly, M/n picked Ren up. The blanket had already been collected and Ren would groan softly in discomfort every time M/n shifted his weight.

M/n walked down the hall with Ren in his arms in search of his sanctuary.

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