another NAOS comic

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ok, so some of you already know im part of my school magazine (, but what you probably dont know is that i made a NAOS comic for the school magazine, based off a Thomas Sanders vine, but with my own little twist at the end

here is the vine:

and here is the comic:

the good side to it being for the school magazine is the editor typed the text, so i dont have to do that now just in case you guys cant read my messy handwriting/the lighting is so bad you cant read it

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the good side to it being for the school magazine is the editor typed the text, so i dont have to do that now just in case you guys cant read my messy handwriting/the lighting is so bad you cant read it. the bad side is you need to draw the outline in pen(which i hate doing because i cant erase it if i mess up) or the image wont be picked up, and even then it doesnt completely pick up everything, as shown by Eyephones arm in the last pic XDDD

but anyway guys thats all for now, thanks for reading, i hope you enjoyed, and i will see you in the next chapter, bye ;p

Khoor? Lv dqbrqh wkhuh? Fdq dqbrqh khdu ph? Sohdvh! Zh qhhg khos! L jxhvv L vkrxog vwduw iurp wkh ehjlqqlqj. Kl. Wklv lv ixwxuh Hbhskrqh, iurp wrzdugv wkh hqg ri wkh vhdvrq, dqg wkh rqob uhdvrq L'p deoh wr frqwdfw brx lv ehfdxvh Slh pdgh d odvw plqxwh pdfklqh wr wub wr frqwdfw vrphrqh iurp wkh sdvw wr wub dqg khos xv fkdqjh wkh ixwxuh. Ehfdxvh lwv d odvw plqxwhpdfklqh kh vdlg wkdw dssduenwob lw pljwk eh d elw kdwg iru shrsoh wr ghfrgh dqg kh grhv'qw nqrz hadfwob zkhq lw zloo hqg xs, rqobwkdw lw zloo eh lq Deelh'v duw errn dw vrph srlqw diwhu zh duh doo lqwurgxfhg dqg ehiuh fkdswhuvrge 1 frphv exw. Qrupdoob kh zrxogqw ri wulhg wr pdnh wklv pdfklqh dw doo ehfdxvh dssduhqwob phvvlqj zlwk wkh sdvw lv edg, dqg kh zrxog qhyhu pdnh vrph vrphwklqj wklv txlfnob, exw wklv lv d olih ru ghdwk vlwxdwlrq. BlqBdqj glg'qw nqrz, vr lw zdv'qw wkhlu idxow, exw wkhb kdyh kdg d UHDOOB edg hiihfw rg Kdor dqg Shqwdjudp, pruh Kdor wktxjk. wrr pxfk BlqBdqj kdv wxuqhg Kdor hylo,  dqg dssduhqwob li d Kdor lv wrr hylo iru wrr orqj, lw frxog ghvwurb wkh xqlyhuvh, exw wkhuh lv d zdb iru Kdor wr jr edfn wr qrupdo, exw lw phdqw wkdw shqwb kdg wr vdfulilvh khuvhoi. vkh'v qrw frpsohwhob jrqh bhw, vr zh vwloo kdyh d olwwoh krsh rq vdylqj khunlq wkh suhvhqw exw L'p vfduhg zh zrqw eh deoh wr, vr wkdwv zkb L'p vhqglqj vklv phvvdjh; wr dvn brx wr wub wr fkdqjh wkh sdvw. li Kdor dqg shqwb qhyhy ehfdph iulhqgv, BlqBdqj zrxogqw ri dfflghqwob pdgh Kdor wxuq hylo dqg shqwb zrxoog'qw ri ehhq irufhg wr vdfulilfh khuvhoi. Sohdvh mxvw nhhs wkhp dsduw. L qhyhu wkrxjkw L zrxog vdb wklv, exw L grqw fduh derxw kdorjudp dqbpouh, L mxvw zdqw pb iulhqgv edfn. Sohdvh, L'p ghvshudwh. L zrxog hyhg qhyhu jr rq wkh lqwhuqhw djdlq li lw phdqw wkhb zhuh erwk dolyh, vdih, dqg wkhpvhoyhv. Sohdvh gr hyhubwklqj lq brxu srwhu wr vwrs Kdor dqg Shqwb iurp ehfrplqj iulhqgv dqg wr vwrs BlaBdqj iurp vkrzlqj wkhlu idfh, dv pxfk ds L oryh BlqBdqj dqg kdorjudp, lw'v iru wkh juhdwhu jrry. Wklv kdsshqhg ehiruh. wkh iluvw BlqBdqj. Vkh frxogqw vdyh klp. Brx pljkw eh rxu rqob krsh. Sohdvh khos.

                                                    -Hbhskrqh 5

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