Taco and Mic-defying gravity

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Ok, so I watched the new episode, and the day after I got this idea and I literally couldn't do anything else until this was done

It's basically, as the title suggest, Taco and Mic singing defying gravity from wicked, but it's a bit more complicated than that, let me explain

So the day after the episode came out, I was listening to defying gravity, and I just started thinking "huh this kinda fits with them" but then I listened again, and some of Elphies parts fitted Mic really well, and some of Glindas parts fitted Taco really well, but also there were times where Elphie didn't fit Mic but did fit Taco, and there were times where Glinda didn't fit Taco but did fit Mic.

So yeah I basically changed over several times who's who, which has probably made it super confusing, so I apologise
I did try to make it obvious who's saying what (like I normally do with colour coded words) but still, thinking back at it it's a really fucking stupid idea
But for the most part Mic is Elphie and Taco is Glinda, except the very beginning and the bridge onwards where it's the other way around

Also there are a couple times when both Elphie and Glinda are supposed to be singing, but I only did 1 of them because I didn't think the other would be singing that with them. And I also cut out 1 line, cause I don't think Taco would wish Mic well, I think she's gonna be salty as shit over all of this(my prediction for how Taco will be in the future of the show; when we see her alone she's gonna be really fucking sad, if we see her interacting with literally anyone other than Mic, Knife, and possibly Pickle (possibly OJ too cause she's mad about him winning), she's probably gonna overcompensate, act like she's really fine and happy and like life couldn't be better for her, and the next time she interacts with Mic, Knife, and probably Pickle, I think she's gonna be salty as shit, like if she says something and Mic replies to her or something I think she's gonna be there like "oh, so now your not ignoring me. How very interesting that everyone can hear me, I thought I was just a voice in your head" or something like that)

Also I always wanted to do a comic thing for defying gravity, but never had the right characters to do it until now, so I had ideas for how I would do it, but the trouble with that is Taco and Mics lack of ability to fly, but then I remembered that in the part when Mic cuts off Taco completely they're in that place with the white background which I can only assume is entirely in their heads, and if it's in their heads it means theoretically they can do anything there, which is why they can fly and shit when they normally can't (also, at the end, because this is Taco and Mics mind space, they're the only people actually there, but a certain someone else also makes his way there too because I couldn't resist, but they're the only ones actually there, everyone else is just Tacos mind imagining what everyone is thinking (to be fair it is pretty accurate to how they feel, but still)

(Because wattpad is still for some reason being stupid with videos)

be/3GDG_ZmBLA4(Because wattpad is still for some reason being stupid with videos)

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