Icci pmv

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Ok, so I promised you guys this about a year ago, so if some of you don't know about this I'm not surprised. Basically, remember that really bad cringy bfdi fanfic that I finished just under a year ago, started just over 3 years ago, and the alternate chapters are on a now official hiatus because I'm working on NAOS instead, that for some reason people actually like(seriously, how do you guys like it?! Have you just skipped the first few chapters or something?!). Basically, back when I was still writing that I was writing a chapter whilst listening to music, and a song came on, Youth by Daughter, and I was listening to the lyrics and realised how well it went with the story, so I decided to make an ICCI pmv for youth(for those of you who don't know, a pmv stands for picture music video, so you can probably guess what it is now)
The reason why this was so late to be uploaded was because I couldn't figure out how to put it in slideshow format, and then I lost the different pieces of paper it was on, and then I forgot about it, but on Thursday last week a miracle happened and it snowed, so my parents thought with me being off from school for 4 days, it would be a great opportunity for me to clean my room and not have access to my devices until it was done, and when tidying I found the paper it was on, so here it is

Anyway, I still haven't quite figured out how to put them in a slideshow format, and am too lazy to try(if someone reading wants to help me out with that it would be greatly appreciated though, just say and I'll send you better quality pics), so I'm just gonna put up the song and then the individual pics(but in groups of 4 because otherwise I'll have to make several chapters on this)
Btw, spoilers for ICCI. If you haven't read it yet and don't want spoilers, my advice is to click off this chapter and don't read it, that book is honestly so bad at the start, and I cringe every time I think about some of the things I wrote in it XDD

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