NAOS S1 ships

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Ok, so as you all know today is Valentine's Day. And no, this isn't just me rubbing it in, those of you who are also forever alone and who feel salty about Valentine's Day. But if you are feeling sad and alone this Valentine's Day, I have several suggestions to keep you happy:
1-read this. Most of these are otp. There are a couple here I don't ship as much, but the rest are too amazing
2- read awr today, where I will be saying my favourite roses are red violets are blue jokes/poems/there will be 1 song XDDD
3- go up to a random happy couple in the streets and slap 1 of them, yelling "HOW COULD YOU?! I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL!!!! ITS OVER!" And walk away, but hide nearby so you can hear the fireworks go off(aka the sort of thing Taco would probably do XDDD)
4- something that makes everyone everywhere happy; tomorrow is the unofficial but still 100% true Valentine's Day chocolate half price day

So yeah, back to that first point, I decided that this year for the shippers holiday I could draw all of the NAOS season 1 official ships as well as a funny line that sums it up. When I say 'official ships', that doesn't mean all of these are gonna be 100% cannon. If that we're the case......... well 1-I wouldn't tell you which ships would be in NAOS because of spoilers, and 2-that would complicate the maskbook rosebook love triangle that we've got going on, wouldn't it. So instead, what I mean by all of the official ships, I mean that they are anywhere from 1 person crushing on someone else(e.g Notebook crushing on Rose), to 100% Cannon(e.g halogram). And just because I say only 1 of them is crushing on the other, doesn't mean that ship won't become Cannon. There are a couple ships here that start off 100% 1 sided, but have a 99% chance of eventually becoming Cannon. However, that being said, not all of these ships will go any further than a crush, and I'm not saying which one(s), so be careful what you ship. Then again, be careful what you ship in general, there are literally only 2 ships on here that I haven't planned any deep emotional issues for yet, and that could always change. My advice if you don't want any feels when reading NAOS is don't ship anything and don't grow attached to anyone. Actually, no, my advice for no NAOS feels is don't read it(I sound like Lemony Snicket telling people not to read a series of unfortunate events XDDDD)
But anyway, onto shipping:

 Actually, no, my advice for no NAOS feels is don't read it(I sound like Lemony Snicket telling people not to read a series of unfortunate events XDDDD)But anyway, onto shipping:

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The geek and her sin(pi)

The original Eyephone ship. Fun fact, before I came up with most of these characters, Eyephone was gonna have the love triangle(Pie was 1 of them. Originally there was also this other guy, Pear, who I decided I couldn't think of a good personality for, so he isn't in it rn, but he might be in season 2(if he is though, no love triangle with him Pie and Eyephone))
Fun fact, as you all know Eyephone is based off me, but Pie, although I didn't intentionally base him off someone(or Mask), if he and Mask were the same person, they would be pretty much someone I know irl
Piephone is Cannon irl

 Originally there was also this other guy, Pear, who I decided I couldn't think of a good personality for, so he isn't in it rn, but he might be in season 2(if he is though, no love triangle with him Pie and Eyephone))Fun fact, as you all know Eye...

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