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Kim's P.O.V
I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt scared. Ok ok you don't know me but I'm gonna tell you. My name is Kim Walters and I'm Eden's cousin, That's all you need to know. I came here three months before Eden came to this city. Of course I found out that Eden was a killer when he killed his first person when he was 15 years old. I told my mom like a bitch and she didn't want to be a bitch and betray her own twin brother so she never called the cops. Now she tells me to go and find out what's he's doing and stop him. my own mother just put her only child on the line but who cares. Came friends maybe almost best friends with Eden's girlfriend, Toni, not because she's my target to get to Eden but to actually have a friend. I do have a boyfriend but he's fucking boring and who wants to watch the lego movie 100 times. But for Toni I'm really scared for her because she's my friend and I don't want her to get beaten by Eden. Anyways back to really life. I sat up and rubbed both of my eyes with my hands. I looked around and I see my boyfriend just sleeping there so peacefully. I smiled at him then looked away from him.
"Hey Kim are you feeling alright?" Ryan asks.
"Yeah I was having a nightmare" I smiled at him.
"I know what will make you feel just alright" he sat.
"Watching the lego movie."
"No! I mean I'm going to get warm milk" I pointed behind me and got up and went to my kitchen. I got a cup of milk and put it in the microwave. I leaned against the counter just look up at the ceiling just imagining what Eden would do to Toni, like hitting her chill. I started crying for some reason so I decided to walk over to Eden's house or Toni's house. I got my keys because i have the key to Toni's house. I fast walked over there. I past Eden.
"Ugh its Kim" Eden rolls his eyes.
"Sorry I have to get to my cousins house- wait Eden! What are you doing just walking out here" I stop and face Eden.
"Looking for Toni duh some how she disappeared in the middle of the night and she stole my vodka and she knew that bottle was gonna be mine" he crossed his arms.
"Wait why in the world would she leave in the middle of the night?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I don't know" he rolled his eyes. I knew there was something up with him. He always crosses his arms when he's lying.
"You're lying" I point at him.
"Not where the hell did you get that idea?!" He sorta yelled.
"I know who you are what did you do to Toni. Spit it out Eden I could be here all day" I say giving he dead eye contact.
"Bitch Im fucking innocent I didn't do anything to her!" He yelled.
"Come on Eden I'll black mail you. Remember in 11th grade I blacked mailed Cassie? I dare you Eden, I dare you to say you didn't do anything to Toni because Ill tell to Donald trump that you killed mostly everyone in that little town that we used to live in" I got closer to him. He started moving back slowly.
" ok ok I hit her because she was acting a dick to me" he looks down.
"Thanks that's all I need. Now take off those glasses won't ya you kinda starting to look like that one teacher in fairy odd parents" I hit him on the forehead. I smiled and walked forwards. I got into an dark alley way and got out my phone. I decided to text Toni if she was okay and where she is.
The convo:
Me: Toni I know what happened between you and Eden last night
Me: Toni plz answer me
Me: I'll buy weed tomorrow and you don't have to pay
Me: Toni I love you plz just tell me what's wrong and I'll solve it like all of it I promise
Me: Toni it's something important
Me: plz Toni you're not alone
Convo over
I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket and started to cry. I'm a lonely bitch so I mostly cry about people. I dropped on the ground still on the wall and crying.

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