I love you's

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After the most ridiculously romantic kiss under the stars and the beautiful background scenery, the man gave us back our camera back and we headed back to the hotel to relax. After we caught the elevator up to our level, we got out and entered our room. We put the radio and my favourite dance song came on. "I love this song" shouted Pete. Shocked I replied "so do I." And Pete asked me to dance, as we danced Pete whispered to me sending shivers go down from my ears to my neck to my toes,"you make me smile, you know how to make me laugh, I am in love with you. I love the way you blush and put your head down when yours nervous, I love how when you are mad you crinkle your nose... I love the way your eyes crinkle and twinkle and you get these dimples that only come out when your happy. When your happy I'm ecstatic. When you cry,I feel my whole world crumple, when I hurt you I was dying inside, but you chose to forgive me and see the good inside me, you see the good inside every single person. No matter what. That is why I love every thing about you. Your perfect." Wiping a tear out of my eyes, I took a few steps back. " I'm not perfect, I'm ugly and I'm dying. And I don't want to hurt you when the time comes." Stepping towards me he pulled me in for a hug and said "your the most beautiful girl in the world and I love you. Yes, your going to die soon but I will always love you and you being sick isn't going to stop that." He kissed me on the cheek. Nodding I whispered "thanks."
I knew that I loved him. I knew it. But I couldn't cope with the pain I knew he would have when I die. The truth is I can feel myself slowly... dying.

Goodbye, my love...✔️ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now