Missing You/Nightmares and Euphoric Dreams

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(Verse 1)
I thought I was over you
Or at least well into the process
But last night I dreamt about you
And all the nights before then
Maybe that's why I woke up with tears in my eyes
Maybe I miss you more than I realize
I guess all I know is that I want you here
Because all I want is you to reappear

You know i miss you when
Im happy seeing you with someone else
You know i miss you when
I just wanna know you're doing well
You know I miss you when
I'm willing to leave you alone
But even then
It still hurts like hell
Missing all the feelings I felt
Thinking about all of our good times
But now I can't even fucking sleep at night
Because I know I'll just see you there

(Verse 2)
You know, if I was asked
I could name every detail of your face
Even if a minute was all we had
Just looking into your eyes makes my heart race
Looking at you just makes me want to cry
Cuz I realized what I lost even if it wasn't my fault
As long as I can see your face one time
Every mistake we both made, I would forget it all

You know i miss you when
Im happy seeing you with someone else
You know i miss you when
I just wanna know you're doing well
You know I miss you when
I'm willing to leave you alone
But even then
It still hurts like hell
Missing all the feelings I felt
Thinking about all of our good times
But now I can't even fucking sleep at night
Because I know I'll just see you there

Right now I'm stuck between a bolder and a wall
I have no clue as to what to do with this all
I still want to be with you, talk to you
Hell, I still find myself wanting to kiss you
Again and again
But I can't have you anymore
There's no room for me
So should I just close this door?
Should I just let you go?

You know i miss you when
Im happy seeing you with someone else
You know i miss you when
I just wanna know you're doing well
You know I miss you when
I'm willing to leave you alone
But even then
It still hurts like hell
Missing all the feelings I felt
Thinking about all of our good times
But now I can't even fucking sleep at night
Because I know I'll just see you there

Published December 29, 2017

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while, but how was your Christmahannaakwanzaka?
(If you didn't get it, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza lmao) I hope it was good and I hope your 2017 made you grow as a person and learn new things to help you go into this new year :)

Also, my band Minerva is going to record our songs in January so hopefully we will have our EP out by February so please listen to us when we come out and support us! Follow us on Instagram @minerva_music and if you can't find it just follow my insta @jazzyoluv and it's in my bio. So please look forward to new music from my band in this new year! 😁

But I shall try to update more often, I make no promises though 🤷🏽‍♀️😂
Much love ❤️ 💕

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