Love One Another

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All we do is fight against one another
We call ourselves a nation
But we can't even see in every color
Only discrimination and judgement
Against every color, shape, and size
We've programmed ourselves to dream in only black and white
The racism and sexism hidden behind commercial lies
Nobody pays attention to the truth in their eyes
Cuz all they see are the
Colorless monochrome scenes
Of poverty and separAte dreams
Of disagreements and arguments
With no compromise between
But nobody looks at the mass shootings
Or the movie producers sex offending
Only considering homosexuality a sin
But what about the felonies and misdemeanors listed in
The criminal code, the constitution?
What happened to the Brown v BOE ruling?
What happened to the 14th amendment rights?
But people keep claiming the discrimination was right
But no one cares about others
Or takes the time to help each other
All they wanna do is complain and fight one another
Instead of coming together as sister and brother
Forgetting our imperfections, zoning into our obsessions
The money, the fame, the publicity, and not the shame
Why not trying to help and support
Or accepting all genders into the work force
And equal job opps for POE's and women of course
Imagine how successful our country would be then
We'd really have a nation we could finally believe in
Having both men and woman and all genders alike
Getting equal privileges, not only for white
Its not fight against each other, it's together we fight
Instead of segregated forces, we all unite
Let women be women
Let men be with men
Let gender be gender
Find yourself within
Let Love be love
Let color be color
So why not join together and love one another?

I did a thing
I'm very proud
All that needs to be said 🤷🏽‍♀️
#loveoneanother ❤️

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