Nicotine (?)

116 5 16

Nicotine (?)

(Verse 1)
You looked me in the eye
And lied right to my face
No need for you to pretend
About the falsehoods I tried to chase
Now you got me all fucked up
Trying to believe you were great
I realized you were only using me
Then I knew I made a mistake

During those times
You were breaking me down
You became a cigarette butt
And burned my heart out
I had let myself get addicted
To your sweet little nicotine
That little chemical snuck in
And manifested inside me

(Verse 2)
My ignorance always gave you
The benefit of the doubt
But that's over now
Cuz I've got you all figured out
You only thought about yourself
About your wants and needs
I even tried to help
But that only fed your greed


I got manipulated
To fall under your spell
But only after that
Did reality ring it's bell
The disappointment I felt
Wasn't from me, but you
And To think I still had hope
To think I could actually help you


(End of Song)

Published April 1, 2018
A new one for y'all. It's about someone I had in my life this year, and I finally got my feelings out in song form. Hope yall like it 💙

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