Here is the place

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If we put the first thing first,
then I guess I'll introduce you,
to the first thing I didn't have.
It's hard for me to say,
so maybe you'll have to interpret.

I'll try to take you there.
Here is the place
where the walls are high;
the inside filled with inevitable gloom.
You'll want to leave,
except it never works,
because here is the place
that just finds you again.

Now you try to look for things,
but exploring's not for the weak,
and the more you find,
the more anguish you feel you keep.
Unlocking doors is no longer,
all you thought it would be.

Next you want to hide.
Here is the place
where the fear creeps in.
You thought the corners get the darkest?
Well then everywhere must be a corner,
but somewhere there are windows.
I know because the thoughts must get in somehow.

Again, you're back down to the age of five.
Are you playing hide and seek?
Mirrors remind you of things you'd rather forget,
you attempt to run from it all,
but, it's a shame, you can't go home yet.

Here is the place
that you never knew belonged:
it holds you hostage,
even though you're the keeper of it.
Here in this place
the pain you never felt in the past,
is dredged up,
maybe your mind thinks you're now old enough.


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