It's Still Happening to me

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Everything's a mess,
I keep trying not to get upset,
All this regret
Shouldn't belong to me,
Even though I'm the only one,
Whose lost in all this pity.
It's still me.

Even my protection hurts me,
I know there are people who want to help me,
But I still feel alone.
It's almost like what I feel either;
Can't be understood;
Or is understood too much,
Which makes me feel more fucked up.

Searching, seeking,
I'm attempting to find a way
To sort this Hell out.
Day by day,
I wonder if it's only getting

It's still me,
And me alone.
The pain and the chaos,
Only inside my head,
Exclusive to me,
Tortures and collects.
Meanwhile the causer,
Is still fine with it.


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