When Makoto Saved You

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Happy New Year!!

Makoto Ritsu

"What would a normal person do?"

"A normal person would listen to the doctor's advice. Listen to me, Y/N." The doctor stared at you, his eyes speaks the truth but behind those facade is Haru's  joyous laugh since he knew that Y/N will soon be his pretty little puppet.

The doctor left after his another session of controlling your emotions and mind.

You were left alone again.

You've been staying in this bland room for days but you don't exactly know how many. Only the dawn and sunrise are you're only sign that the day ended or started.

The only person visiting you is the black haired doctor, he would bring whatever you need except the things that would connect you to the outside world. Haru claimed that it can slow down your recovery.

You wanted to get back to your boyfriend but every time you tried to escape, Haru will always be there to stop you. Every single time you failed, your hope also dimmed until you just felt empty. (Thanks to Haru's  'encouragement') Right now, you just felt like a sponge that would absorb anything.

You mindlessly gaze into the space when a door burst out of your view causing you to slowly turn your attention to the doorway. The door isn't in its proper place and pieces of it was scattered on the floor. On the door's place was Makoto panting heavily.

No, it's not real. I'm hallucinating again.

With that in mind you turned away and continue your daydream.


It even have his voice. What an elaborate illusion.

You then walked to the bathroom but a familiar warmth engulfed your form.

"Ma-chan." Tears slipped from your lifeless eyes when you realize that your boyfriend is here and hugging you.
Soon you felt your albino boyfriend subtly shake and silent sobs reached your ears.

You were cut when Haru came in the room.

His coal orbs were seething with rage when he saw Makoto hugging you but Makoto's crimson eyes are burning with fury more that the doctor's.

"What are you doing here Ritsu?" The doctor questioned whilst silently reaching a small vial but a person took it before he could use it.

"I didn't come alone, doc."
As if on cue, five more men came on view along with his father.

Makoto smirked as he felt the doctor's uneasiness.

"Ritsu-sensei, I can't believe you're playing along with your son's obsessions." Haru regarded to the man sitting comfortably on a chair.

"The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree." He said before chuckling.

Makoto brought you to the bed and covered you with a blanket before facing the doctor. You gripped his hands tightly, you don't want Makoto to leave your side. You're afraid to get taken away from him again.

"Don't worry Y/N. As you are mine, I have to protect you, I have to serve you. Just let me take care of that b*astard and I'll be everything you need." He looked deeply in your eyes before slowly retrieving his hands.

"Leave that d*mned pedo to me, father. I'll make sure the f*ucker pays." Makoto's gaze need left the doctor while his lips twisted into a manic grin. He would finally taste his sweet revenge.

Thuds, sharp noises, and groans filled the room for what felt like hours. You can't see anything because the men are blocking your view and Makoto's father keeps distracting you everytime you move to see what's happening before you.

You're aware that the doctor won't probably breathing again after Makoto's done with him. If you're on his shoes, you would probably do the same, not that violent though.

Maybe burn them alive?

Haru's efforts seems futile, you're becoming a yandere.

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