Chapter 5

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Just how right Kiki was with her warning about hell breaking loose was shown at lunch.

We arrived a few minutes before lunch was served and headed right in, washing our hands before we went on to the kitchen with just the clothes we were wearing.

The kitchen could be pretty much described by one sentence: You could have mistaken it with a run-way show. Everyone gathered up and waited for the food and for Levi to appear. One of the repeaters right out kicked Fran out of the way to get closer to him. In result, we were behind something that could only be described as a wall. Kiki had to laugh that hard that she began to choke on her drink.

Our benefit in the whole act was that we got food at first, making us win in our eyes.
We ate our food, ninety percent of the repeaters sitting down defeated in the middle of lunch as the oh so desired son of the owners showed up, but left again within a blink of an eye as screeching got louder and louder.

In the afternoon, I got a horse called Kataigida. She was a liver chestnut coloured mare, with slender and elegant legs. Therry told me beforehand to pay extra attention with her, she was more than sensitive, making me have some apprehesions already.

We went on the outer riding area, Therry taking care of the four dwarfs, making me collect Kataigida myself and calm her down, tightening the saddle girth and pulling down the stirrups. Talking to her softly, I swung myself onto her gently, letting the reins loose.
"Ele, go ahead." I nodded, going out of the deepest point of the saddle for a second and she was already walking. A minute later, Therry came up to me.

"Today I want you to show me everything you've ever learned, alright? No holding back." I sighed and nodded, more or less happy. The reason I feared behind me getting Kataigida was true then.

Dwarfs, it had been a blessing to have ridden with you up to now.

Kata was a dream. She followed easily, did every single move with grace and thought for the things I didn't. I concentrated fully on her just like she gave me her full attention, making both of us jump startled as three other persons were suddenly standing next to Therry at the entrance.

Calming Kata, I threw them a short glance, identifying Fran and Kiki. Groaning internally, I knew what I had to listen to afterwards. But as soon as Kata was calmed, Therry and the fourth person slipped in. Throwing Fran and Kiki a glance, I just saw them cheering and giving me a thumbs up. I smiled softly, just then giving my attention to Therry, as they were only a mere metre away.

The fourth person was a guy, and comparing him to Therry, her younger brother. God damn, he really was easy on the eyes.

He was the person the whole ruckus was about the whole day. Wow. I made an impressed face and looked away, until Therry spoke up briefly. "Good, but through the galloped half-passes she uses her hind legs a little bit too less."  "Ther." Her brother shot her a look before looking up at me, interrupting his cuddle with my horse. "That was really good, seriously."

Hot hot hot hot hot...

"Thanks." I let my eyes run over his face, just like he was mustering me. Then we smiled, mutually, and I got a sight of lovely dimples around his nearly perfect lips. He threw Kata another look before turning to Therry. "I'm gonna take her over for now on, okay?" Therry looked at him with her certain look. "I don't want to hear a thing, understood? Not a single thing." Levi nodded, raising his eyebrows in the progress. "Yeah, yeah sure. You know me." Therry threw him a glance before a hint of a grin shone through. "That's why I'm saying this."

Watching the siblings interact, it slowly dawned on me.

"Same goes to you, Elenora. I don't want to hear a thing from Inge, okay?" I held up my hands innocently. "Good." She turned around, walking back to Fran and Kiki, the later one looking about to faint.

"Hello again." He smirked up to me, making me smile back down faintly. Again? His one hand resting on my tight, he held up his other one for me to shake. Bending down, I shook it. "Levi." "Elenora." "I know." He laughed, making me smile a tiny bit wider.

"I've been hearing quite a lot about you." My eyes widened surprised and I let out a little laugh. "I hope only good things." He laughed and nodded.

"You were also the girl who Stormsie liked, right?" Ohh- therefore the again. "The black mare? Oh, she's a goofball." He laughed, still cuddling with my horse. "Actually, she isn't the slightest."

Suddenly, the dog appeared. I looked down on it smiling. "Is he yours?" Levi nodded. "His name is Loki." Leaning down, I was lying flush against Kata's neck and still didn't reach the dog's nose. "Hey Loki." Levi laughed before clearing his throat.

"She's Storm's mother, you know?" My eyes widened, looking down on Kataigida. He gave her another cuddle and pressed a kiss to her forehead before he stepped a few steps. Can we change roles for a short moment, Kata?
"Alright, could you repeat the tempi-changes once again, I think we need to work on those partial." And with that he went off – in a good way.

He was excellent in explaining everything, and even if that meant to become touchy. By the end, I felt his hands almost all over. I had to chuckle, quite often internally, since mostly, his touching wasn't necessary, but he did it still.

By the end of the lesson, I was wet. No, scratch that, I was soaked. Not just down there, everywhere. And not because of his touch, but of the sweat that was coming out of my pores in streams.

I was as good as spent. Fran and Kiki were running around me as I slipped off of Kata and helped me brush her, as I was beat, sitting on a footstool. As Kata was finished and happily chewing on hay in her box, I changed my sitting place to the bench next to our house and my position to lying. Levi, waking past me, was laughing that hard that he had to stop and take a hold of the wall next to him.

I just flashed him the finger, making him laugh even more.

After half an hour of resting, I got up and took a shower, my upper legs starting to cramp with every move I made. The loud groan as I realized what that would mean for the next couple of days made Fran and Kiki laugh outside of the bathroom, jokingly asking whether they should get Levi to help me out of my misery. I just cursed them afterwards, ignoring their laugher.

After dinner, Therry once again had something for us to help. "Hannes and Lee are down by the river, picking up the last hay. Could you drive down with the tractor and help them? Tomorrow it's likely to rain, we need to pick it up beforehand." We nodded and climbed the tractor and trailer, the first one rather slow and deliberate, heading towards the river after Therry told me that if I would follow that way, we would get straight to it. Three minutes later we got there, Levi shaking his head as we parked beside him with a smile.

"I guess I won't get used to that." He laughed, making me climb out slowly, going easy on my legs. "You should, I kind of like driving that thing." He shook his head with a grin, turning around and tilting over the hay from the fork. Fran and Kiki got into action, making us head right into work.

Hannes made rows with a machine which we collected and threw on the trailer. Levi's knowing smirk every time I moved made me push my fork at him, stabbing his butt as he grinned at my legs as I was walking especially strange in that moment.

Half an hour later we had everything collected, us three climbing the trailer and Levi the tractor.

Getting off the trailer again was more difficult than getting on it, making me groan loudly and Kiki grab my butt, "helping" me down. Sad thing, I appreciated the help. Now I could have really smacked Levi's stupid grin off his face if he were to stand a little bit closer. The five metres weren't worth the pain to walk over.
"Thanks for helping, by the way." He smiled at us, making us smile back. "Always." Fran commented. "I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow?" We nodded again, walking to our house in silence.

Breathing out deeply before we reached our back door, Fran stretched like a cat. "I could get used to that kind of life." And she hit it pretty well with that sentence.

The Summer Of My Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें