Chapter 8

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I wasn't joking when I said that I would google him. A few minutes later, changed into other clothes, I lay on my bed and googled him, finding a couple of articles and lots of competition lists where he appeared on. And mostly on top of those, I had to admit.

Reading through some of the articles, I scrolled down the search machine results page, until I found a homepage. He had his own homepage?
And below, another homepage. I clicked on the first, I had to chuckle surprised. He really had his own homepage. Clicking onto the back button, I selected the other homepage, which made me laugh as it appeared on the screen of my phone.

It was a homepage of his fans. It looked really professional from its appearance, not something a 12-year-old did. Grinning, I signed myself up for the newsletter to get an email each time Levi had something.

I was scrolling through the photos on his fans' page as my screen changed to someone calling me. Reading my brother's name, I accepted. "Hey Sisi."

I smiled. "Hey Fatty." He snorted, making me laugh. "I did a little road tour." He started, dragging on the last word. "And now you're stuck somewhere 200 kilometres away with a flat tire and want me to get you?" I mused, rolling my eyes. "No, not this time. But maybe you should get me, by well, maybe coming outside?!" Jumping up from my bed, I started to jog. The call ended and when I got outside, hastily slipping into my shoes and nearly doubling over, I saw him standing in front of the main building looking around lost.

He was wearing one of our training suits, without our name on it, looked almost normal, as normal as a boy in a racing suit on a stud could look. Grinning, I skipped over to him and crushed him into a hug, ignoring the hard helmet pressing into my face.

Yanic laughed and hugged me back, before he took off his helmet, drawing his hand through his hair. Helmet under arm, he looked around again, making me grin. "Where's Lady?" "I left her with Jake at the end of the woods over there, didn't know how the horses would react if I drove here." I looked at him surprised, normally my brother wouldn't leave his bike anywhere.

"Should I give you a tour?" I looked at him, making him think for a second before he agreed. "Let me just call Jake for a second."

Five minutes later, Jake was also here, both of them leaving their helmets on the table in front of the house. Jake although, unlike my brother, wore one of his race suits with all the sponsors on it and his number in big letters, along with his name on his arms. He greeted me with a grin and hug, squishing me to him just like Yanic had done.

We headed off, making me show them the basics first, riding arenas and such, before going to the stables and briefly showing them some of it. They were more interested in the hoftrac and tractors, but they held back with asking to drive them, they were after all unanounced guests and the Staad's didn't know about them. At some point Loki joined us, staying by our side and I got to see the reason quickly afterwards.

Levi rounded the corner Loki came from, behind him Kiki and Fran. "Oh my shit." Fran's eyes widened as my brother and Jake walked out of the riding hall after looking at it. She only shortly said something to Levi before staring at my brother and Jake again.

Levi threw me a smile before stepping up to them, shaking their hands and they were quickly laughing. A good sign.

Walking up to Fran and Kiki, I was bombarded with murderous glares. "Couldn't you have told us before throwing us in at the deep end?!" Kiki poked me in my stomach, making me grin a little. "Sorry, but I as well didn't know anything about it until they stood in front of the main house." They looked a bit more friendly. "Come on, I'll introduce you."

I turned around and walked up to the boys, interrupting their laugher. "Fatty and Jake, this is Fran and Kiki, Kiki and Fran, this is Jake and Yanic, my brother." "I know you're kinda privately here and I really don't want to bother you, but this opportunity is simply too good to miss." Kiki started, looking slightly guilty. "But could we maybe take a photo for my brother, like, me, you two and Ele?!" At the mention of her brother I had to laugh. "The very one who likes to jack-" She threw me another glare, making me shut up.

"Fine with me." Yanic said, making Jake nod and both of them line up. I went next to them grinning, as Levi got Kiki's phone to take the photo and Kiki rushed next to us. "Hey Fran, get onto it too." My brother surprised me with having remembered her name, which made me turn around to look at him but he was busy looking at Fran. As everyone was ready for the photo to be taken, we all said cheese and Levi made a couple ones before we broke up again.
Walking back to the camp house, Levi and Jake were the first to spot a giant bulk of people standing in front of it, mostly repeaters and barbies. Levi searched for my eye contact, making me see his distress. I although only grinned, I'd suffer with him in the next couple of seconds but it was refreshing to see him struggle from time to time.

The bulk spotted us coming there, and the noise level rose, suddenly a good 15 eye-pairs on us. Yanic and Fran, who were the last of us, also quickly evaluated the situation, but there was no way out.

The repeater barbies, those of the worst sort, divided themselves into three groups, one heading onto Levi, one on Jake and one on Yanic, making him search for something or someone and tried to talk to me but was interrupted all the time. Eventually, he gave up and he and Jake moved to their helmets, fleeing off the stud. I waved after them with a grin, and got one last glance from my brother with something in his eyes that had me wondering the whole day what he had meant with it, but all in all it had been a nice surprise of them to come.

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