Chapter 7

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On the next days the sun decided to join us again. We ate lunch outside, the dwarfs once again joining us and this time, Therry also joined us. Levi sat a few metres next to us on the bench below the tree, his plate on his knees as he watched us mostly with a smile when I looked at him.

Afterwards, Emmie, Maya and Stacey asked us jump on the trampoline with them. I agreed along with Fran and Kiki, making them drag us over to the trampoline. Over the next half an hour we catapulted one after the other into the air, played popcorn and did some tricks/learning them some tricks until it got too hot onto the black trampoline, making it unbearable to stay on it with the sun directly over us.

We went back and were almost next to the house when Emmie ran off and came back later with a hosepipe. Pre-seeing what she was about to do, I grabbed Kiki and pushed her in front of me, making her get hit by the first gush of water, remaining completely dripping from her head, streaks running down her body. "Now wait!" She turned around, wrestling me to the front as Fran dashed for the hosepipe.

The remaining dwarfs also entered the fight and a giant ruckus broke out on the patio. Keppi, the second assistant of Hannes, got a full face-wash as he came past us, looking thunderstruck as it hit him, but had to laugh soon after, whipping the water off his face.
Some other dwarfs joined the fight, making me often lift some up and put them down on the other side to get to Fran who was currently the master of the hosepipe. She was giving out water volleys to everyone that came closer to her, making them currently stop their attacks.
We were all dripping wet, there wasn't anything left that was dry. Even my bra was soaked.

I made a dash forwards, diving through the water streak, grabbed the pipe and pointed it at Fran.  Giving her a nice little shower, I laughed before turning it off right when an arm slung around me, grabbing for the pipe. Looking at a dripping Fran I grinned before looking at the littler getting little stream coming from the hosepipe to the person that was holding it.

Noticing the arm over my stomach, I had no time to ponder as I was ripped around, squished to his side as he held up the pipe. "Who started this?" The dwarfs, all of them grinning while looking at Levi's face, pointed at me, making me look up to his face and notice that he was also suppressing a grin. "Hey!"
"Aha." Suddenly being shifted, I was thrown over his shoulder, hanging there like a wet potato sack. At least the wet part was right.


The dwarfs, Fran and Kiki had a good laugh, seeing me hanging there like this while I drummed onto his back, shifting to his butt after a few ignored back-slaps.

Setting me down, he threw me a grin. "Hurry up, your riding lesson starts in half an hour."
"Aye, aye." I saluted and marched off, Fran and Kiki quickly joining my side grinning.


I walked up to the riding arena, rounding the bushes that surrounded the arena and provided a bit privacy and entered it, in my own world together with Kata. I did my normal routine as always and mounted after readjusting the saddle girth, talking to her softly.

Just as horse-step sounds rung in my ears, I noticed that we weren't alone. Looking up, I was surprised by seeing Levi on horseback, smiling at me. Letting the reins loose, I smiled down on Kata greeting the new horse with a neigh, also getting one back.

"This is Coco, and-" he did a small suspension-inducing pause, "the best trained dressage horse of this stud. So feel honoured." I laughed, leaned forward and touched her forehead, making her snort softly. "She's a beauty." I remarked, looking up as Levi said nothing, just smiled. Smiling back at him, I raised again, sitting down into the saddle.

"You know, I thought of a quadrille for two today. What do you say?" I nodded smiling, making him take over for the next hour.

At the end, I was once again soaked and tired, stretching to ease the tension.

"Elenora?" "Hmm?" I turned around to him, raising my eyebrow in question. "How does a small walk hack to cool off sound?" I groaned, nodding. "Oh, immediately." He laughed, coming up to my side. We left the arena and stud grounds, heading into the forest.

"I googled you." Levi started, making me laugh. "Oh, really?" "Mhm, it's quite interesting." I laughed, shaking my head. "You know what I found?" He was sticking some piece of paper closer to me. I reached over and took it, turning it around. "That was a couple of weeks ago." I gaped at the photo showing me and my brother both in swimsuits on our holiday on the Maledives.

Now I got the idea of what Kiki meant with photos. Holy shit.

Still gaping at it now that I realised a whole lot more, I heard him laugh. Turning my head, I looked at him, my eyes narrowed. "I'm going to keep this. A nice holiday reminder." He laughed shrugging. "If you want to." I nodded, folding it again. Reaching up, I stuffed it into my bra, making Levi laugh more.

"What? Where do you think at least 50 percent of girls keep their money on nights out?" He threw me a look at first but after realising that I was serious, he laughed even harder.


It got silent for a few seconds as I thought back to the whole thing about the photo before I smiled.

"Maybe I should google you too." He waved aside, making me grin. "Nothing there to read."

"What do you study?"

"Medicine." The word shot out of his mouth. Looking at him surprised, I smiled. "Suits you. Dr. Levi Staad." He smiled at me, his thoughts away. "What do you plan on doing after your graduation?"

I shrugged. "I think I'm going to take a year off, go where I want to go or stay where I want to stay and then studying architecture from what it looks like now." "Wow." "Says the right person." I laughed quietly, making him chuckle. A comfortable silence erupted, making me close my eyes and enjoy the fresh air.

Returning from the small hack, I slid off of Kata and led her right next to Coco. Taking off the bridle, I slipped the halter over her head and tied the rope to the wall.

Easing the saddle girth, I slowly took off the saddle and put it over my arm, the bridle on my other hand. Turning around, I saw Levi leaning against the wall, watching me.

Throwing a look at Coco, I snorted and threw him a look. "Don't you want to take care of your horse?"

"I've got all the time of the world." Throwing him an amused glance, I walked past him and put the things away. I returned with a few brushes and took off her gaiters, quickly brushing her until I was satisfied with the outcome. Quickly cleaning her hooves with the hoof pick, I finished her and stroked her nose a few times before leading her back into her box.
Throwing Levi a glance with a shake of my head as I walked past him again, I chuckled. "See you."

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