Chapter 12

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We arrived shortly before 10 at night, first thing I did was grab one blue and one red ribbon and hushed into the house, walking up the way I knew well now to Therry's room. Knocking, I entered, seeing her behind her laptop. Hiding the ribbons behind my back, I stepped up to her, dropping them onto the bed on her legs. "These are yours." I grinned widely as she looked up at me from them, her mouth open. "Ele! No way, they are yours!" I shook my head. "I've got each a second pair. You deserve them just like I do. If it weren't for your accident, it would have never been me who went to a tournament." Therry shook her head with a smile. "You rode incredible, wanna watch? I'm just looking at it." I quickly glanced on the screen, but shook my head. "I need to help unload and everything. But thanks. Is it on the internet?" She nodded. "Give me your phone number, will you? I'll send you the link."

After we put everything away, Granny drove back to her hotel, promising to come back tomorrow to say goodbye, and we also parted ways. Realizing that we all wanted to shower, I told them to go ahead, I would check up on Katida in the meantime.

The sun was setting beautifully, lighting up everything in the brightest colours, making me smile as I walked over to Katida. I stepped into her bay and sat down beside her lying body, rubbing her head. She snorted softly and I chuckled silently, rubbing on. I sat next to her for about ten minutes when a shadow fell into the bay. I looked up with a smile, the last sunrays lighting up the tips of his hair that stood away. "Come with me?" I got up and brushed off my breezers, walking up to him. Stepping up to him, expecting him to step away, I chuckled surprised as he hugged me, hugging him back. Sighing, I put my head on his chest, smiling to myself as Levi started to play with my hair. Enjoying it for a few more minutes, I pulled my head back, looking at him. The rest of the light was still illuminating his face, highlighting the ends of his eyelashes making me smile at him, the ends of my lips curling upwards. His hands shifted to the side of my face, stroking over my cheeks which made me laugh quietly. I let my eyes swerve to his dimples, grinning as they moved upwards and got closer.

His sparkly eyes stared into mine as he leaned forward and brushed his nose over mine, making me miss a breath. Seeing his wolfish grin, I grunted and drew back, frowning playfully. He laughed, making me attack his side and him squirm. "Ey!" "What?" I grinned, making him tsk. Growing silent again, he looked down on me, a smile tugging on his lips. And with a sweet little tug, he planted his lips on mine, having me smile first but return to more important matters soon. Slinging my hands around his neck, I started to respond, closing my eyes as a little noise slipped which had him laugh. Stomping his foot with mine, he stopped pretty quickly and resumed to kiss me, not just liplock. We broke up soon later and I beamed at him, not letting go off his neck. He removed his hands from my face and slung them around my waist, giving me a peck on my nose. We remained staring at each other until I couldn't suppress the yawn any longer.

"Come on, time for bed." He tugged on my side, making me loose my arms around his neck. Grabbing my left hand, he accompanied me to my backdoor. "And?" He asked grinning, making me shake my head with a playful sigh. "Nothing and." I turned the key around, making him laugh. "I don't think so." He turned me back around and put his lips on mine, moving softly that had goose bumps rise on my arms. "Good night, Nor." "Night, Lee." He pecked me a last time before letting go of my hips, winking at me as he stepped away. Looking after him with a stupid smile, I shook my head and went inside.

I closed the door and jumped as Kiki and Fran stood directly in front of me. "Tell. Us. Everything."


I woke up in the morning, Kiki lying half on top of me, making me grunt and push her off.

Sitting up, I rubbed my face and looked around, grabbing my pillow as it was still pretty dark. Along with my blanket, I walked over into my room, lying down in my own bed. Must have fallen asleep over at their double bed.

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