Chapter 19

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Dinner passed quickly, but instead of finding myself in bed again, I was sitting on the hoftruc, driving things around to where Hannes told me to. Levi navigated the tractor and Armin, Hannes' second assistant, received the things I brought to him, putting them somewhere by hand. We finished after two hours with everything, Levi and I once again climbing the haypit to throw some of it down for overnight.

Then, we all played UNO together, except Keppi and Armin who had already left for their homes. Levi won by far, Anna following him and I got third, Inge fourth, and the final battle between Hannes and Therry, Therry lost fatal. "It's the narcosis." We all laughed before separating, I quickly took a look at Katida before going up to Levi's room, finding him on the couch reading.

"What are you reading?" I sat down on his stomach, feet on either side, looking at it. "Oh, a book about mitochondrial disorder." I laughed. "Okay." He put it away and sat up as good as possible, closing his arms around my waist.

"Let's brush our teeth and go to bed?" He offered, making me nod after giving him a small kiss. I got off him and went to fetch my toothbrush from the camp house winter garden, also getting my last fresh clothing articles and whatever I could think of that I would need.

When I got up again, Levi was already in his boxers, brushing his teeth, making me join him and finish slightly after him. He left me alone in the bathroom, studying the things I brought on his living room table, making me laugh as he picked up the bra while I walked over to him.

"I like that one." It was a lacy black one, admittedly one of my favourite too, but he put it down as soon as I reached him, turning to focus on me. "Arms up." I did so, making him grab my T-shirt and pull it over my head, focus shifting on my breasts why I had to do the rest on my own, Levi too absent.

"Come on, Lee." I grabbed his hand and dragged him over for the first metre to his bed, the rest of the distance he followed willingly. I made him lie down and sat down on his waist, leaning over him.

"Take off my bra." I saw him swallow as he did so, but to my surprise, he didn't go ahead and cup them or whatever. He just took my hands in his, dragging me down on him, rolling us around so he was on top. He stared at me just like I stared at him, slightly hovering above me, making me kiss him softly.

He returned the kiss in the same way, so sweet and light and lovingly that it made my toes curl. Breaking it, he remained right there.

"Nor, I love you." I started to smile, it getting broader and broader with every passing second. "I know."

"How?" "I just feel it." I released my arms around his neck, starting to rub his cheeks, nose and lips gently.

"And, do you feel it coming from me too?" He started to smile, nodding slowly. "Good, because it's true." I urged him to turn us around. "I love you, Lee."

Pressing a kiss to his lips, now that I was on top of him, I never wanted it to end. It was so intensive and intimate, it had my stomach squeezing together and my toes curling once again, and I just didn't want it to end. Levi's arms were tightly around my back, holding onto me for life, while my hands were still on the sides of his face, holding him there. After a while, I drew back, the feeling suddenly changed to even though it would end, Levi would still be there.

I kissed him another time with a smile, whispering "I love you" on his lips.

"Do you know how may times I told you that already in my head?" He smiled up at me. "A hundred times, probably. Over the last two days. Just when looking at you eating your morning rolls or brooming Katida. A hundred times probably won't do it."

My heart squeezed painfully while Levi brushed his hands over my back lovingly. "I love you so much, Nor, and I'm so happy that I can finally say it out loud to you."

I couldn't help the tears that sprung to my eyes, and I couldn't help the small tear that dropped onto his cheek. "Hey, don't cry." He craddled me like a baby, kissing me on my lips. "Kissing me like this doesn't make it any better." I told him with a smile, but my eyes were still teary.

He laughed and brushed his thumbs over my eyes, giving me another kiss. As we parted, I put my head on his chest. "You know, you can sleep naked, I don't mind." He chuckled.

"Better not, it'll go places I don't want it to go yet." At that, I really had to laugh. "Okay." I ended with a chuckle, lying down again.

"Good night, Levi." "Good night, Nor. Sleep tight."


Grandma arrived at eleven, with the extra sized trailer, where the horse was loaded in from the side. I wondered why she brought that one and not a simple one, but figured that she thought it would be better for Katida to have some space on the rather long journey home.

Levi helped me get Katida ready already before Granny came and we quickly loaded her into the trailer without any problems.

Granny went to talk to Inge meanwhile I loaded my things into the booth and my saddle into the trailer at the front, and got the last things from Levi's room.

Hearing Granny still chat downstairs, I stopped quickly at Therry's room, saying goodbye to her for the meanwhile. She promised she would come at some point and visit Storm and Katida, us too, of course, when she was mobile again, and wished me a good drive home, winking at me in the end. "See you, El, I'm sure it won't take long for us to see again."

Hannes was away, as well as Keppi and Armin, making me search for the last but two persons to say goodbye to.

I found Anna reading in the living room, making me say goodbye and renew my promise to go jogging on a fleeting glance of her outside. I didn't know why.

Walking on to Granny and Inge, I told Granny that I was finished with packing. Granny although didn't seem to have any kind of a hurry. Inge offered me a piece of cake which I really needed to taste, which I did then, puzzled why they were all acting so out of their normal behaviour.

So when we did get out, Granny hopped into the car and I said goodbye to Inge, turning to Levi who just came around the corner.

Falling around his neck, I hugged him tightly which he returned, bending his head down to my heigth.

"We'll see each other soon."

"You need to give me your phone number, I don't have it yet." He laughed and quickly typed it into my phone, giving it back.

"I love you, Nor." "I love you too, Lee." He pressed a kiss to my forehead, which was really a lot considering his Mom and my Granny were watching us.

Getting into the car on the passenger's side, I closed the door and put the safety belt around me, waving at Inge and Levi who stood beside her. Granny started the car, and we drove off, but didn't come far.

Granny hit the brake.

"Mamma mia, we almost forgot him." She grinned like she was young again and the car door in the back suddenly opened.

"Gran? What the hell?"

In got Levi, grinning mischievously and put the seat belt around him. I stared from him to Gran and on to Inge who laughed heartily.


"Good, so now that we are complete, we can finally drive home."

"Storm?" I stared at the rear view mirror as I could have sworn that I heard at least two different neighs.

Levi grinned. "And Coco too."

They had all fooled me, grinning at my dumb face as the car began to roar again and roll off stud grounds. And I only believed that this wasn't some sort of joke as I climbed over the gear change and hugged Lee, who rubbed my back reassuring as the tears fell.

And the stern "Elenora!" also wasn't a long time coming.


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