Chapter 1

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              The day was calm and curiously silent the only thing that could be heard was the soft musicality of the wind as it grazed the leaves of the oak tree that stood beside Amanda's room. Amanda was tired of her life being the same repetitive days same school, same friends and same old boring life. 

She wished that something or someone would change the predictable sequence of her life.The sound of her phone hauled Amanda out of her trance it was her mother.

"I wont be able to make it home so don't wait up for me"her mother said, 

Amanda wasn't surprised by this because her mother was barely at home but she understood that she is a lawyer and it takes a lot of time so she didn't complain and just said 

"it's okay bye mom" 

"bye sweetie" her mother replied.

 I guess it is another night alone Amanda thought to herself . She glanced at the picture of her father and said "only if you were here I  wouldn't feel this lonely"she slowly fell asleep while reminiscing on the life she had when her father was here.


Jason was suddenly disturbed from his slumber because of the searing pain that appeared in his back, when he turned around he discovered that it was his little brother Brandon trying to wake him.  "I'm hungry" Brandon screamed  

"where is dad?" Jason groaned with squinted eyes

"he just came home and went to bed he said that you should make  mac and cheese for me"Brandon replied while folding his arms.

Jason got up and Brandon fell off his back on to the bed impatience was printed on Brandon's face and Jason knew that he was getting agitated so he intentionally  moved at snail pace to make his brother more irritated.As he walked to the kitchen a playful smirk appeared on his face as he remembered the events that took place the night before.

 Jason was considered a player at school because he treated girls like trash after using them he threw them away as if they were unimportant specimens that were at his disposal.

Jason never trusted girls because his mother left him when he was 6 years old for their father's best friend so he never trusted any female and never allowed himself to love a girl because women are never loyal no matter how much you love them they never love you back as much.

 Most of the school's population wonder why girls are always drawn to him like a magnet, it is because he is extremely alluring. He is six feet tall, he has smooth creamy skin, perfectly chiseled muscles. He had pink plump lips with a perfectly sculpted cupid he was the quintessential model as if every inch of him was sculpted to be faultless but his greatest feature was his dark brown mesmerizing , playful  but yet  deceitful eyes that could make anyone believe whichever word emanates from his mouth.

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