Chapter 6 -Go back in time

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Amanda walked in the school yard thinking it would be a normal tiresome day, but as she entered the hallway everyone was suddenly immobile,all eyes were on her and the almost infrasonic whispers that emanated from the mouths of her schoolmates were directed straight at her. Amanda continued to walk straight ahead with her head held high and didn't make eye contact with any of the murderous glares coming at her. Ignoring every eye piercing through her back and the burn of every jealous girl's glare, she went to her locker and collected her books "what was all that about" Amanda thought to herself but shook it off and ignored it.

The frightening sound of the bell knocked Amanda out of her slumber and she opened her eyes and met the gaze of two piercing blue eyes looking down at her,her eyes widened and her mouth fell when she recognised the person in front of her. Trey bit his bottom lips as he stared at her and his bright blue eyes darkened his pink plump lips were dying to meet hers and he took the chance and dived down his lips crashed into Amanda's but she didn't react immediately her body couldn't process what was taking place but when she realized what was happening at that moment her body jumped back and her knee collided with his crutch Trey fell and yelled in pain but Amanda didn't look back and ran as fast as she could out of the classroom her knees were weak and trembling her body on fire but Amanda audibly said "why do I get so many unwanted kisses" Amanda thought about the man that she had encountered in the bathroom that night and she remembered every moment as if it happened mere moments ago she remembered the way he held her, the way he made her feel when she was wrapped in his arms but that moment to her was like a midsummer night dream, a dream that made her wish she could go back in time but it was nothing more than a dream.
The sweat ran down the sides of Jason's face as if it was a heavy flowing river.Jason jogged for 45 minutes and had no intention of stopping he wasn't even feeling the burn in his legs .......he couldn't feel anything because his mind was completely preoccupied by someone and he needed to think and let go off the feeling he felt towards a mere stranger. The buzzing of Jason's phone in his pocket slapped him out of his thoughts and brought him back to reality he looked at the phone and noticed that it was his dad Jason hesitated before answering but eventually did

"Jason I need your help" said a little panicking voice coming from the phone and to his surprise it was his little brother

"what's wrong" Jason replied with concern in his voice

" I tried to make an ok let and the mittens caught fire so I threw water in the pot and didn't remember that it was hot oil"

"Where is dad ?" Jason asked while turning around to run back home

"He isn't home as yet and he left his phone this morning Jason please hurry there is a big flame in the pot and I don't think that I should throw anymore water on it"
" just get out of the house I'll be there in a minute"
When Jason arrived he saw his little brother standing outside on the street.
"Are you ok?" Jason asked while searching his brother for any injuries
"Yeah I am fine" he said trying to reassure Jason
Jason was overly protective of his brother since the were small it always felt like it was them alone against the world since their mother left. After their father got distant Jason became a dad to his brother and protected him as his own.
After Jason called the fire department he went closer to look realising that he overreacted the fire was smaller than he thought it barely passed the rim of The pot and it barely visible, you would have to squint your eyes to see the yellow flames swimming in the pot. He let out a sigh of relief and it felt as if weight was lifted off his shoulders.
He went back outside and heard the faint sounds of the fire truck's sirens and waited at the entrance of his house to tell them that it was a small fire and he delt with it.
His brother held on to his hand and patiently waited with Jason.

     He thought of Jason as a father more than a brother. He was a smart child and he understood everything that Jason said when he asked about their mother and he understood why Jason was reluctant to speak about their mother and why his face stiffened whenever he brought up the topic but he had no recollection of his mother because she left when he was just 3 months old and his curiosity to find out more about the person that gave birth to him took over and some time disregarded Jason's feelings.
Jason lied in his bed it was about to 10 pm but he was too tired to sleep his eyes closed but he was seeing everything he wanted to see,  he wanted to savour the sweet memory and wished He could turn back time and wished he could have met her some other way he wished he could have asked her name and he wished he could have met every part of her.

But people can't turn back time can they?

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