Chapter 4- Memories

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           The night was cold but Amanda was perspiring her body was still in awe from the amazing feelings she felt just mere moments ago, as she walked home she tried to get the image of the man she encountered out of her head.She felt a swirl of emotions as she walked home but the most definite feeling was one that she could not explain in words, the unidentifiable feeling was something new, something that gave her ........pleasure.

          Amanda walked into the paved driveway of her house, as she opened the front door there was   a faint light coming from the living room but soon realized that it was the T.V. that was left on by her mother who was now sound asleep on the couch.Amanda quietly searched for the remote and turned off the t.v. She walked through the darkness of her house and went up the stairs straight to her room and threw herself in the bed hoping that sleep would take over her body.

5 minutes ............

10 minutes .............

 15 minutes..............

       Amanda couldn't sleep because thee was an image imprinted in her memory that made her feel energized as if she drank a dozen cups of coffee.So instead of sleeping she completed her application to Cornwall University. Cornwall University was always Amanda's dream because her father went there and it was her way of holding on to her father and make new memories from her father's experiences.Sleep slowly overcame Amanda.


              Jason woke up on the bathroom floor with  bloodshot eyes and a searing headache. He tried to recall the events the took place the night before to search for an explanation to why he was asleep on the bathroom floor but all he saw was an image of a beautiful girl with long black smooth hair, radiant  caramel skin, lustful curves that could make any man keep staring but their was something in her captivating eyes that seemed stranger, it was something that would look like fireworks when it gets released.

          Jason shook his head to get the image of the female out of his mind and reminded himself that all females were traitors and were only good for his pleasure. He slowly lifted his body from the cold, hard, tiled floor of the bathroom and looked around  the bathroom noticing hat it was morning and the bathroom was vacant other than the clueless person looking around which was himself,.Jason progressed to the tall wooden door painted in red which complemented the white decor of the bathroom. He moved as fast as he could because he was in a rush to be at a place that he worked hard to be at and the only place that could make his dream come true but it required hard work to stay there.

          Jason's dream was to become successful in life and be whatever he wanted to be and when he accomplished this he would search for the woman that gave birth to him and say ' look at how good I turned out without you' and would leave her there regretting the moment she abandoned him. Jason knew that Cornwall University was no pushover so he had to put hard work in it, but little did he know how much being at Cornwall University would change his life.


HEY GUYS!!!!!!!! I am sorry for taking so long to update I had school and a lot of homework.

Thanks for reading

Sayonara  love you all

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