Chapter 2

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    Amanda woke up to the luminosity of the sun. It shone in her eyes and she squinted at the sun's light but also  admired it.  Amanda was always happy in the morning because it meant that she made it through another night and this day gives her a chance to change her tedious life into into something exciting and thrilling.

      The day at school was the same wearisome day, she had the same classes, the same teachers scolding her for falling asleep in class. Her friends were the same Bella yapped about ways she could become friends with Trey Johnson and according to her, the sexiest, hottest and the richest guy in school. Amanda genuinely thought that he wasn't all that hot and that guys shouldn't only be judged off looks but personality  and Trey's personality was freaking shitty that's why he only slept with the bitches who were like frigging prostitutes that don't get paid and gave their bodies to him as if it was a one dollar bill.

        When school ended Amanda  went straight to lawn tennis practice without saying a word to her friends because by now they would have known where she went. Lawn tennis was the only thing that Amanda could use to release stress and she was really good at it.Amanda continued to play lawn tennis even when her body was exhausted and sweat dripped off her face but she loved the pain she felt in her muscles because  this gave her the precious feeling of ecstasy this was the way she let out her anger and made her heart say whatever it wanted to say. 

      Amanda played until 5:30, as she was about to leave she heard a voice "Amanda wait' it was coach Washington calling her as he jogged towards her "you need to work on your backhand before the tournament gets any closer "  he said swinging his hand in the backhand stroke. "yes sir" she said while turning around to walk away from him.

            Amanda usually went straight home after training  but today she decided to take a different route  because she was stopping by at her cousin's party. She was about 6 blocks away when she started to hear the faint music of the party, she stopped walking and reconsidered going there but shook her head and decided against her thoughts.

           When she arrived inside was a lot darker than how it was outside, bodies were grinding against each other, bottles and cups were all over the floor, girls were wasted and freaking half naked while dancing and guys were touching them all over  but Amanda gagged at the sight and turned away,  people were making out and practically having sex on the couch. Amanda thought to herself that this is not a place she  should be so she went over to the bar and ordered a bottle of orange juice and started to look around  for her cousin.

       She stumbled upon the  bathroom and as she entered  she looked at her reflection in the mirror "I am just the odd one out aren't I? " she said to her reflection but a sound alarmed her out of her thoughts when she noticed a guy dressed in full black staggering in the bathroom barely able to keep his balance, on instinct Amanda helped him not remembering that he was a complete stranger and they were the only ones in the bathroom.

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