Chapter 5- Who your real friends are

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Amanda burst through the door and ran out of her classroom trying to evade the eyes staring at her and the  boisterous laughs of her classmates. Amanda's English teacher Mr Williams embarrassed her in front of the class because he found out that her homework paper was actually an from an article by Thomas E Neckleford in 1991. Amanda was 99% sure that he wouldn't find out that it wasn't her work but just as she gave him the paper and turned around he called her back.

"Meet me in detention Amanda and I hope you know you will have to do this paper on your own and right a 500 word essay on the importance of originality"he said in his calm authoritative voice.

Mr Williams was a short stocky man in his early fifties, he had squinted grey eyes with a freckle covered face and large circles under his eyes.His head was partially bald except for the small strip of hair that was at the back of his head. His large stomach hung over his belt till it was barely visible.He wore shiny shoes with the top almost as pointy as a knife.

Amanda's only safe haven at this time was the girls' bathroom, she pushed open the door of the bathroom and a loud bang came as the door collided with the wall. The interior of the bathroom was simple. It was painted in soft pink with white tiles on the floor and half way up the wall, nearly one side of the wall was covered with a long mirror and the toilets behind it.

Amanda opened one of the stalls and sat on the toilet just thinking about the events that took place. She was knocked out of her thoughts by the clunking of heels on the tiles of the bathroom. Amanda stayed quiet until she heard her friend Bella's voice but as her hand touched the door to push it open the words she heard next stopped her in her tracks.

"I hate the bitch Amanda she pretends like she is better than me but look at the condition of her hair she really needs a blow out and she dresses like a freaking homeless person " Bella said cringing with disgust at the thought while the other girl was fixing her make up.

When Amanda heard this she touched her hair she thought it was a little trashy but really didn't have a problem because it was naturally curly  .

"Did you see that whore staring at Trey and she pretends like she doesn't want to sleep with him I bet that her room has some stalker pics of Trey" Bella said and the girl giggled .

As they were about to leave Amanda burst out of the bathroom with fury in her eyes, her face getting a darker shade of red by the second. Bella turned around and her eyes widened and she became completely paralyzed.

Amanda walked over to her and she swung her hand from her waist and it collided with Bella's face. Bella's face involuntarily swung  to the right from the force of Amanda's slap and Amanda's hand was neatly printed on Bella's make up covered face.

"You are such a freaking bitch and you don't even have the guts to come and tell me to my face"Amanda said while 2 inches away from Bella's face as if she wanted Bella to hit her. Bella grabbed Amanda's hair and pulled on it she winced at the searing pain that traveled through her scalp but, Amanda wouldn't let her keep a grip on her and she wasn't the type of person to back away from a fight.

Amanda pushed Bella in the stomach and Bella stumbled backwards and collided with the wall the rage grew in Amanda and all  she saw was red her body was on fire, and Amanda took the opportunity to attack her as her fists were about to collide with Bella's face, two large hands grabbed her around the waist and effortlessly yanked her out of the bathroom and pulled her down to the hallway.

"Let go of me that bitch deserves another slap in the face because she is a freaking coward and can't even speak her mind to my face" Amanda screamed and tried to get free from the hands that were firmly wrapped around her waist but his grip was too tight so Amanda began to calm down and relax in the arms that her small body perfectly fit in.  Amanda realized that he brought her into the music room, the room that was usually empty and the one that would most likely stay empty.

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