Chapter 12 - Deception

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Amanda left the cafeteria thinking about Jason until her phone buzzed in het back pocket. She opened the message and it was from the one person's voice that she would've wanted to hear. She started to walk faster she was now running to get to the university's parking lot .
She desperately searched the full parking lot looking for him and when her eyes met his she ran as fast as she could into Trey's arms .
Now Amanda felt safe she felt as if there was no other world but the one that she was in while in Trey's arms but she didn't necessarily love him but his presence was comforting and his arms felt like a safe haven,

Amanda didn't know that what she felt was an illusion because of the facade that Trey put up because he was the type of person that would do anything to win even if it included hurting somebody that was as innocent as a new born baby. Amanda's naivety and how she trusted Trey would be the cause of her pain.
Trey hugged her but he hesitated and smiled at how easily she trusted him but it was fun to a masochist like him, it was fun to see a naive little girl run into his arms without knowing the true meaning behind his action.
"Hey" Amanda said after coming out of Trey's embrace
"What are you doing here aren't you supposed to be at school now?" she inquired

"I missed you is that a good enough reason to skip a few classes" Trey said in a low husky voice. His statement almost sounded sincere but his prey was easily deceived by sweet talk and he knew how to manipulate her and it was as entertaining as if he was watching his favourite movie.

Heat started to rise to her neck and she new her face was red but she never lost eye contact.
Trey new that she had fallen for him like any other girl would now he just needed to have sex with her and accomplish the satisfaction of boasting at his friends because he was triumphant at his task.

They stayed in the embrace until it was almost awkward then they slowly separated themselves from the comfort of each other and trey jumped back into his car. Amanda instinctively held on to the door before he he was able to close.

"Where are you going?" she asked

"Home" he simply said while shrugging his shoulders

Trey closed the door before Amanda could say anything else and drove away.
She stood there like a mad woman staring at the back of a car.

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