Chapter 3 - Pervert

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                   He fell into her arms with his head rested on her right shoulder  and her arms loosely placed around his waist. Jason's large hands slowly grazed her thighs and gently moved up until they were rested on her hips. Amanda froze her body was completely  immobile. She tried to move but nothing happened as if she was not in control and her body was dead.His large hands spread across her butt and firmly gripped it, his pink lips simultaneously crashed into hers.

               Amanda finally found the strength to move, she placed her small hand on his chest and pushed as hard as she possibly could but  his grip only tightened around her hips pulling her  closer to him.                                                                                                                                                                                         Amanda compared to the strange man  was like a giant to an ant because he stood at 6 feet and she was just 5 feet 3 inches. She finally slipped through  his hands and he fell to the floor.Amanda ran as fast as she could out of the bathroom  panting, her body was on fire  and she had an  ineffably strange feeling between her legs it gave her satisfaction but it felt so wrong. 

             Suddenly their was a hand placed on Amanda's  shoulder, she jumped back and her eyes popped open thinking that it was the man she met just seconds ago  and turned around "calm down, why are you so jumpy?"her cousin Jasper said. Amanda let out a sigh of relief when she finally saw a familiar face. 

"What's wrong are you sick cause if you....."

"No i'm alright" Amanda said cutting him off because she didn't want him to worry.

"I'm heading out now ".

"Already?"Jasper inquired.

"Yea I have some homework to finish up" Amanda lied but she knew that  this was the fastest way to  get out of Jasper's interrogation. 

"Bye" Amanda said turning around to leave Jasper.

" Call me when you get home" Jasper shouted. 

        Amanda left Jasper there standing as she tried to maneuver her way through the club to find the exit.

When she opened the the door that had exit on it the cold wind crashed into her face and chills went through her body and Amanda thought of the person she encountered in the bathroom and wished that she would never see him again, but subconsciously longed for the feeling of satisfaction that he gave her and wanted needed to feel it even one more time.

   Hey guys !!!!!!   

I am so sorry for not putting up a cast  I will upload one really soon.

    Thanks for reading!!!!!!!

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