Chapter 5

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Harry pov

Morning after the Headmaster announcement

The new Headmaster is the Merlin? That isn't possible; he should have been dead a very long time ago. Ron, 'Mione, and I are in the library looking up Merlin to see if we can find anything. The three of us are suspicious of the new Headmaster.

I'm still looking when 'Mione calls us over, "Guys I've got something. This is during King Arthur's time. it says here that 'After the death of King Arthur the great warlock disappeared not to be seen until the fall of Camelot.' Merlin probably caused the fall of Camelot." Ron and I were about to agree when we heard, "And why would you three think that? Arthur was my best friend, and it was my destiny to protect him. I disappeared when I failed to protect the Once and Future King, my best friend. Yes, I was there after Camelot fell, but I was there to tell Queen Guinevere something very important. I got there too late." Merlin said and we were all ashamed for the assumption we just made.

After Merlin left, the three of us decided to let time take its course.

Malfoy pov

Merlin is the best Headmaster that there has ever been. He hates titles and allows us to call him Merlin, and he keeps me company and hangs out with me from time to time. New rules have been set up, along with new curfews, Merlin has been doing a great job of being the new Headmaster.

I'm on my way to DADA class when I am ambushed by Ron, Harry, and 'Mione. They say many hurtful things, and they tell me to stay away from Merlin. During this is when someone speaks up for me, and of all people it's Neville Longbottom. "Leave him alone. Malfoy didn't have a choice, and he didn't even kill Dumbledore. So bugger off and look at who is being a bully now." Neville leaves after saying his piece and so does the trio.

Since the teachers know of me being bullied they excuse me to being late to class. I can't wait to see Merlin later, and maybe Neville. I want to apologize to him for the past. Back to class then.


Sorry for the such short chapter. I promise it will be longer next time. If you have any questions about the book or want me to add or fix something please let me know.


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