Coming Home

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"Ly, you're drunk. Stay the night." Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Hmmm. You sure that's okay?"

"Of course it is. Besides, it's 2:30 in the morning. I'm pretty sure you can't drive home anymore."

Alyssa gave in and here she is lying on my bed comfortably like she's meant to be here at this exact moment.

I walked to my closet and changed to my usual shorts and shirt and took out some of Alyssa's old clothes. She used to sleep here a lot it was almost like she lived here. Used to.

I brushed off the thought because it sent a momentary sense of melancholy I didn't know is still there.

"Ly, wake up. Here. Change into this."

Alyssa, already half asleep, cuddled up comfortably under my sheets, replied "Den, you know perfectly well your clothes are too small for me."

"I know dummy," I said throwing her old clothes to her face. "These are clothes you left from three years ago."


"These are clothes you left from three years ago."

As I soon as I heard that, it felt like all the alcohol I consumed was flushed out of my body. I open my eyes and I am in her room. Gray walls, not the blue one I am used to.

"Shit. I'm sorry, Den. I shouldn't be here."

She lets out a small laugh that confuses but at the same time calms me. "Hey, Ly. Calm down. It's okay."

She sits on the edge of the bed as I stand up and change into an old pair of boxer shorts and what used to be my favorite T-shirt three years back.

"There's water on the table if you need any." I then notice that a pitcher of cold water and an empty glass sits atop her study table like it always did before. I drink an entire glass and pour some for her too. Like I always did before. Which reminds me, I shouldn't be here.

"C'mon Ly. Relax. It's been so long. You'll be okay here. We'll be okay."

"I'm sorry. After all, I just never thought I will ever be here again."

Den remains quiet and goes to her side of the bed. I took the liberty to lay down beside her, suddenly cold not only from the air-conditioning but also from the nerve being by her side is causing me.

Alyssa x DenniseWhere stories live. Discover now