Coming Home

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I cannot help but turn to my side as I feel Alyssa's body press against the opposite side of my bed. I cannot think of anything else but the past three years that she wasn't here.

"You're right, Den. It's been so long." She smiles a sad smile and I look at where she's looking.

"Yeah. We put those up five years ago, it took a chair over a table to get those stars on my ceiling." I let out a giggle as I remember how Alyssa and I took turns standing over the chair just so we can stick those glow in the dark stars up there.

Somewhere along the years between then and now they seem to have lost their light.

"So much has changed since then. You repositioned your bed and shelves. You no longer have your couch. Your walls, they're no longer blue. Why did you paint them gray? And that writing on your wall that said 'it's dark despite the light,' it's no longer there too. Everything looks entirely different now."

One thing that haven't changed is how observant Alyssa is. She notices even the slightest details. "Still so attentive, huh?"

"Of course I'd notice, Den. This used to be my favorite place in the world." Used to be. Why does hearing that sting a little?

Alyssa turns so that we're both facing each other. She smiles, a little less sadder than the last one.

There's still a hint of alcohol on her face and because I too am a little intoxicated and it's 3 in the morning, I move a little closer so that I'm close enough to feel her breathe against my face.


Damn, she's so beautiful.

I know very well that Dennise will never let herself be the one to kiss first. She's just being a tease. With this in mind, I stare at her lips for a moment and finally close the gap between us.

She stays still for a moment, and then she slowly puts her hand on my side and kisses me back.

We continue kissing. Slowly at first, passionately.

I have a lot of thoughts inside my head right now. Being here feels so strange yet so familiar. I need to stop but I can't. My brain won't let me. I have been wanting this for as long as I can remember.

She positions herself on top of me, pressing her lips harder against mine and I kiss her with as much intensity as if making up for the time we lost.

Alyssa x DenniseWhere stories live. Discover now