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I read something somewhere that said:

"What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

And here I am at almost two in the morning knowing exactly what I would do.

I will dress in my best clothes, probably put my favorite pair of docs on, wear my heart on my sleeve, back my motorcycle out of our driveway and ride in the night for as fast as I can to get to her. I will knock at her door, reach my hand out the moment I see her face, and I will tell her all of this. 

I will tell her I love her. I love her more than all the times I said it to her combined. More than I can ever put into words. More than I can ever put into action.

I will tell her how much I adore her. How I wouldn't trade a moment with her with even the most prestigious accolade or a million dollars, How I look for her in every human being I meet. How I am the writer but she is all the words.

I will tell her how she makes me strong. How I can conquer the world as long as I am with her. How just the thought of her makes me want to stay alive even on my bad days. How I want to be a better person to and for the universe because she's in it.

I will tell her she never has to drive alone in her car again. I will never let her sit in that tan Camry without anyone sitting next to her singing along to her songs, laughing at her jokes, or just there in utter, comfortable silence. If she lets me.

I will hold her as close as I possibly can like it is the last time I will ever get the chance. Because maybe it is.

I will let go and smile at her, tell her she never has to say something back. And then I will say goodbye. Or maybe I'll say ''See you later.''

And then I will walk back to my motorcycle, put my helmet on, and ride home slowly but surely. I will make sure I make it back alive and well, because then I can finally breathe knowing I am living my truth.

This is what I will do if I know I will not fail; and I hope one day I also find the courage to do it even if I know there's a 90% chance that I will.

Alyssa x DenniseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora