s e v e n » all the small things - blink 182

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A U T H O R 'S  N O T E 

Imma start doing lil dedications so imma do three lil dedications just to sum up the first 6 chapters 

1. officiallybev : who has been so consistant in her reading and commenting and support of this story 

2. twilightheart : who has deemed wes as 'chocolate boy'

3. _Cake_5_SOS_ : who has also been so amazing in supporting this story 



also such a classic song am i right?

S E V E N »

All the small things Blink-182

"Surprises let me know she cares."

My train of thought continues down it's current path.

Wes, back then, didn't try to put himself out there at all, in fact he tried to do the opposite, he tried to fade into the background.

He had the same routine and went through life but never really experienced anything. He dwelled on the past and the future but never focused on the present. He struggled to let things go.

He was so smart, witty and charming but downplayed it and gave himself no credit.

He was closed off to everyone around him, to the world and worst of all to himself.

He shut out his own being so that neither he could attach to others or others to him but also so he wouldn't become attached to the world, and everything it had to offer; so he wouldn't become attached to life.

His attitude wasn't necessarily harming or unhealthy but it wasn't beneficial or healthy either.

And I had been sure it would only land him in one big mess. Which is why it made me so happy when he eventually opened up to me because by doing that he was able to pick himself up out of his internal enclosed cell and lower his walls to a much happier and realistic level; a level he could actually climb over to experience and live.

He has come so far and I am so proud of him.

The thought makes me feel a little guilty, he has been here backing me up to recover, something I haven't even helped myself with and at the same time I've completely ignored him. I know this has to be hard on him too, I can see it in his eyes, in that look, and I've just completely left him behind back where I lost myself too.

I grab my phone and begin to message him.

Maya: im so proud of u, u have come so far and ive just completely disregarded u these past months and im sorry and so thankful for u

I chuck my phone up onto my bed after I send the message, not quite ready to see his reply and instead press play on the next song.

» » »

I could see Wesley at his locker, he was readying his stuff for his next class.

It had been 2 days since I sat with him and Lucas at lunch. I had a meeting on yesterday and didn't have to make the decision of whether I should intrude on them again or if I should have gone to my usual group.

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