e l e v e n

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A U T H O R ' S   N O T E

dedication to : __-aki-__ bc even though I'm pretty sure ur not up to this chapter yet you always drop me a vote and a nice lil comment here and there xx

i'v actually had a hand full of new readers since the last like 2 updates im so happy hope everyone continues to enjoy and read


Wh­­­en we finished all the pancakes we got stuck into the drawing.

Wes had given me a few pointers and beginner tips then left me to explore the page alone as he turned to his own and immediately began drawing.

I had used Wes' laptop to bring up a reference picture but that was not helping.

I feared nothing could save me now.

I was attempting to draw some flowers in a vase but everything was out of proportion, the lines of my pencil were all over the place and to be frank, it didn't look at all like flowers in a vase.

So I had given up on my own drawing a while ago but was now heavily tuned into the music playing and watched Wes put together his own drawing.

He was using coloured pencils this time rather then lead and something about the pencils made them look very high class and professional. The more he drew the more the page began to be transported into galaxy.

How can one just put pencil to paper and it looks exactly like what they intended? I had thought to myself.

My attention transferred to his demeanour, he didn't even seem the like the same person. I had thought he seemed more loose around me today and yesterday but now did not at all compare to then. His shoulders, usually structured and and held tight were now sloped inward carelessly much like the rest of him. His whole body was completely slumped into a natural and comfortable position as though he didn't have a care in the world.

His eyes however were incredibly concentrated and focused on the task in front of him. He was trapped in his little world he described for me earlier, trapped in his little bit of peace and his eyes were determined to soak up as much of it as they could.

I watched him in this state for a while longer the chill beats in the background making a nice background noise. My eyes trailed with each with movement of his shoulder, of his upper arm, of his wrist, and of his individual fingers, occasionally stealing a glance at the toned muscles of his arms.

More then occasionally, if I was being honest, but his muscles were a lot less subtle up close.

I tried to strike up a conversation to stop myself from getting too tempted to reach out and trace each grove and curve in his arm.

"This is kinda magical."

"What," he said, turning to face me, his body language not shifting back into the usual condition but instead staying loose as if he was still drawing.

"You, drawing, it's all kinda magical." You mostly.

He chuckled a little, "I think that's one of the best compliments I've ever received."

He reached over and ruffled my hanging caramel hair as he said that and instead of feeling undermined or young as some may feel in that situation, I felt a little adorable, my affection for this boy growing.

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