t h i r t e e n » lego house - ed sheeran

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A U T H O R 'S   N O T E 

I just want to say a huge thanks to my consistent readers, you know who you are which is pretty much all of u if u've made it all the way to this chapter

i honestly dont care that my book hasnt 'blown up' or anything because being able to come on wattpad and read all ur beautiful comments and seeing your votes fiLLS ME WITH SO MUCH JOY

T H I R T E E N »


"I'll do it all for you in time."

I must have fallen asleep. I am alone on the bed, apart from a small folded piece of paper resting by my head.

I unfold the page and read the handwritten words.

'You looked so peaceful I couldn't bring myself to wake you up (hence the note.)

sorry I can't stay but I can't tell you how happy I am that you're listening to the playlist

Stay strong Maya

X O'

I react with a small smile, placing the note back down.

I actually had a peaceful sleep; no dreams, nightmares, hands... bees.

Before I give myself the chance to overthink it however I press play on the next song, wanting to live up to Wes's praise.

» » »

I walked through the school halls searching for Lucas.

I needed to make sure Wes was generally ok. His little outburst and the few times he had shut down on me has me a little worried but I knew if I ask him I might just trigger something.

So instead my plan was to ask Lucas. I didn't want him to give me specifics, I just wanted something along the lines of a yes or no, the rest I would wait for when Wes is ready to tell me himself.

After a few more minutes of wandering I eventually found him.

"Hey Lucas."

"Oh, hey Maya," he said, twisting, so he was looking at me but still facing his locker.

"I need a favour."

"I have the perfect spot," he replies, almost immediately but at my confused expression he continues, "for the body."

After a few beats he cracks a smile through his previously serious expression.

"Just kidding Maya, what do you need?"

it finally registered what he was implying and I let out a laugh, "wait, sorry, I just understood."

He chuckled at my lateness but waits for me to explain my favour.

"Is Wes alright? Like overall? I just need a yes or no, you don't need to give me details or anything if he isn't," I said, once I had regained my composure.

He stared at me for a second, it seemed like he was trying to figure out what to say.

"Look, I don't know," he began, "he hasn't opened up to me at all when it comes to that. You could only really consider us friends if 'keeping each other company' was the only criteria. Shit it took me months to get the comfort you got out of him in a few days."

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