n i n e » fools - Troye Sivan

27 7 20

A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

HELLOOOO... I have two dedications for you this week to make up for my lack of them last chappie ( ;) told u i'd borrow it)

1. @aviaglass for joining this story with full force and blowing me away with ur constant comments and support 

2. @MayaOkere28 For also joining this lil adventure whole heartedly and always dropping a vote on every chapter. 

ALSO do u like the new cover????

N I N E »


"Don't give a fuck, not giving up,

I still want it all"

We had moved onto the bed a little earlier as the floor had begun to hurt.

Wes is lying at my back facing the same direction I am. He must have not gotten much sleep last night as I can feel him dozing off and it was only midday.

I gently begin to spin myself around so I'm facing him, careful not to disturb his arm loosely slung around my waist.

His eyes are closed but it isn't hard to imagine the chocolate held beneath his eyelids.

Just imagining the rich, melted chocolate stirs all the feelings in me I used to consistently feel each time I laid my eyes on his.

Now days, I have those feelings but they are overpowered by the painful need to look away.

With him here however, eyes closed, it is enough to simply imagine the chocolate and just feel.

Home. That how I would describe it one word.

The chocolate iris' of Wes instils a deep feeling of home within me.

Safety. Comfort. Warmth.

That's what his eyes are.

Each time I even thought about them I would just want to sink further and further into them, letting the melted chocolate consume me in the most pleasant way possible.

'Sink into' and 'consume' probably isn't the best way to describe it as those phrases made it sound slightly suffocating but in a way it was.

His eyes suffocated me so that all I was left with was the option to relax, let go and just breath.

To have somewhere you can just breathe without another care in the word is one of the best privileges in my opinion.

I am so lucky to have that.

I retreat into this place, only thinking of his eyes.

Only thinking of the safe, comforting, warm, melting chocolate.


I stay there for a while. In my special place I guess you could call it.

Wes is still asleep beside me when I decide to come out of it but I know I am ready.

Not ready to try. That is getting ahead of myself.

No, I am ready for my next trip down memory lane.

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