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I wake up and get ready for school

When I'm done I go in my car and drive to pick up Jessica.

I get to her car and text her

M- I'm here
J- coming out now

She comes outside and gets in the car

"About time I've been out here for 15 minutes" I say
"Sorry I was getting ready"
"Why do you care so much about how you look it's School"
"You know that's a great question but you know what's an even better question. Well why do you not care. Your going to go through all this trouble to get Zack to like you. Well maybe if you'd care so much of how you'd look that wouldn't be a problem." She says
"Wow tell me how you really feel"
"I'm sorry I'm just saying maybe you should try on your own to get him to like you. You don't need stupid Ashley to."
"It was only one time."
"But you're going to keep doing it"
"No not necessarily"
"Yes necessarily"
"Well Whatever I'll try to ignore her and maybe she'll forget about it"
"I hope"

We arrive at school

"Well we are here now" I say
"Yup do you need to stop by at your locker before science."
"Oh no I forgot about that. Ugh I hate going to my locker"
"Why. Oh wait I forgot"
"Yup. Anyways we should get out."
"The best part about this school is the only people we aren't friends with are the boys and Ashley."
"Yeah that's good cause only 6 people hate me"
"Me too"

She's right everyone else in the school doesn't care. They are all friendly.

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