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J-bad news

m- yes

j-all the boys are very suspicious about tonight

m- oh why

j- when I came home they were all at the table and said they knew I went somewhere other than studying and I said no I didnt and then Jack came up and smelt me and said I smelt like someone who just had sex

m- theres a smell?

j- well to boys *idk if this is real do I look like a boy to you...okay don't answer*

M- oh well just tell them the truth well half of it. say you had sex but just not with me

j- true well goodnight

m- goodnight

j- wait

m- what

j- are you up for an adventure

m- not right now

j- not now idiot tomorrow

m- oh what about tomorrow

j- we do it again tomorrow night but this Time at my house

m- okay now youre the real idiot

j- ill try to get the boys to leave

m- no its not fun if theyre not there

j- but you just said- nvm

m- well I thought about it and if I disguise myself it will be fun

j- how would you disguise yourself

m- its all apart of the hair up hat on outfit

j- I see... I bet you'd still look hot

m- why thank you 

j- do you even understand how hot you are

m- I have an idea 

j- im trying to be a nice guy but you wont let me be one

m- well sorry when someone calls me hot and im just supposed to sit there and be like thank you 

j- um yeah.. or you could always say... thanks Jonah you are extremely hot too and I love our bodies on top of each other as we fuck you are the best guy ive ever been with

m- 1- you arent extremely hot you are mildly hot. 2- youre way to heavy when youre on top of me also you sweat a lot and it got everywhere 3- you are not the best guy ive eve been with 4- I bet my boyfriend is better

j- I bet my girlfriend is better

m- whos your girlfriend 

j- you ;)

m- that doesnt make sense how can I be better than myself

j- youre an idiot

m- explain

j- im just telling you youre my girlfriend

m- you had your chance but you lost it

j- just like how you lost your virginity to me

m- HA if you think I lost it to you, you better think again

j- well it felt like it was your first time so I dont know

m- wow now thats just mean

j- it might have felt like it was your first time but it still felt very good and you still looked really hot

m- stop 

j- what did I do

m- you called me hot

j- well you are

m- you should come back over and tell me how hot I look 

j- I would but I cant but I will tell you that everyday you somehow manage to look hotter and hotter 

m- tell me more

j- someones needy

m- yes yes I am now tell me more 

j- youre cute 

m- ik but I need more

j- no im just saying youre cute that you want me to tell you all of this 

m- well it makes me feel good about myself

j- aw that makes me sad

m- yeah yeah yeah just continue with saying how cute and hot and pretty and beautiful and wonderful and amazing I am

j- well you are all that plus more.. I just want to be with and date you

m- I want to date you too well now

j- what changed 

m- welllllllll youre nice and cute and sweet and I want you and only you

j- you have a bf tho

m- ik but I want you to be my boyfriend I like you more 

j-break up with him and we can date

m- but what about Daniel 

j- what about him

m- he really likes me

j- do you want to know a secret

m- sure

j- I think he might be gay 

m- wait im confused

j- welllll a couple nights ago he was drunk and he told me how he has a crush on Corbyn and he was trying to use u as a way to get over corbyn

m- aw thats sad

j- ik but do you want to know another secret

m- yes

j- corbyn likes Daniel and they may or may not be kissing right now


✅ Why Don't We High School ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora